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Platonic Relationships: Definition, Characteristics, Signs, Benefits, Challenges, and more.

Platonic Relationships: Definition, Characteristics, Signs, Benefits, Challenges, and more.

Updated on Nov 11, 2022

Reviewed by Julianne Cantarella, MSW, LSW , Certified Relationship Coach

Platonic Relationships - Definition, Characteristics, Signs, Benefits, & More

Interested in platonic relationships? Want someone loyal to love and share your everyday life? Don’t want passion in the equation? 

Then platonic relationships are just what you need in life. Most people don’t understand this concept because love without passion, romance, and sexual desires are just too new for them.

But if you want it for sure, immense support and love await you on this journey. However, the lines between platonic and romantic love might blur out.

So, this think-piece will guide you through all the secrets for success. Learn to breakthrough many stereotypes and tricky situations as well,

To find selfless love and more peace, let’s head right into it…

What is a platonic relationship? (What is platonic love?)

Platonic relationship is where two people love, respect, cherish, and are loyal to one another without any romantic or sexual attraction. The feelings in a platonic relationship are platonic love.

In platonic relationships, people share close bonds without any sexual or romantic relationship. When two people have a platonic relationship, you call them close friends… people often think they’re secretly dating.

The term “platonic” originates from the name of the Ancient Greek philosopher Plato. 

In the 15th century, he coined and defined this term as a type of love that brings human beings close to enlightenment. Marsilio Ficino later translated this theory into Latin.

So, it was about pursuing life goals and motivating one another to be better people.

Such relationships are full of respect, loyalty, admiration, love, honesty, and mutual morals and interests.

Your feelings for the other person are platonic love. However, sometimes, it doesn’t stay mutual friendship when one person feels romantically or sexually attracted to the other person.

Initially, people called opposite-sex friendships platonic relationships, but now it works despite gender.

There’s no lust or romance but they’re equally important to you as a romantic relationship… sometimes they’re more important and people make it their primary relationship.

If they turn it into their primary relationship, that’s a whole new theory. So, let’s dig into that…           

What are platonic life partnerships?

Two people in platonic life partnerships cohabitate, share finances, raise children together, and work as a family unit without romantic or sexual attraction. It’s pretty much like queerplatonic relationships.

In Platonic Life Partnerships (PLP), people commit to making the platonic relationship the primary one. They’ll choose that over romance any day, live together, marry, and even raise children.

This is close to queerplatonic partnerships (QPP) which stand out from the regular definition of relationships with romantic and sexual desire.

Both in PLP and QPP, couples have deep connections, but it’s entirely emotional… not romantic or sexual.

This is inspired by 19th and early 20th century Boston marriage. Two women, with strong financial backgrounds, avoided marriage, and cohabitated.

Currently, PLP and QPP work with mutual support and respect. There is no pressure for physical intimacy, sexual intimacy, or following “socially correct ideals” of marriage.

But it’s different if someone had romantic or sexual feelings. Let’s have a quick look…

Platonic Love Relationship vs Unrequited Love Relationship

Platonic love relationship works on mutual honesty and platonic love. If either of you develops feelings or have motives to mold the other’s heart… it’s unrequited love and not a genuine platonic relationship.

In platonic love relationships, you both love one another mutually, without any expectations of sexual or romantic feelings. This type of love doesn’t have ulterior motives or expectations.

You spend time only because it feels nice, not for turning it into a romantic or sexual relationship. When people ask who they are to you, you refer to them as close friends, not a crush.

In unrequited love relationships, one of you is romantically attracted to the other. The other doesn’t hold similar feelings and thinks of them as a close friend.

However, it’s totally different if there’s romance in the mix. Let’s take a quick glance here…

Platonic relationship vs Romantic relationship

Platonic relationships don’t include romance, physical or sexual intimacy, expectations, or anxiety about separations. In romantic relationships, all of these aspects are present which is burdensome.

In a romantic relationship, you’re close loving friends and have physical and sexual intimacy. In platonic ones, you’re close friends that love one another without any physical or sexual involvement.

Romantic relationships are full of the pressure of meeting expectations, stress about performing well in sex life, having satisfying sexual relationships, and fear of parting.

Platonic relationships free you from the stress you may face with a romantic partner. There’s less pressure, and expectations, and you don’t feel anxious about breakups.

Since platonic relationships aren’t passionate, you don’t deal with sexual tension. You make great memories and experiences without the restraints of romantic love.

You build deep social bonds that are quite healthy and increase your life expectancy.

Some think platonic relationships are another name for friends with benefits. Let’s know how wrong that is here…

Platonic Relationships vs Friends with Benefits

FWB is all about friendship and occasional sex. However, in purely platonic relationships, sexual intimacy isn’t in the dynamics. 

In a platonic relationship, you don’t experience sexual tensions with one another. The thought of having sex with one another doesn’t strike your mind. However, friends with benefits aren’t so

In this type of friendship, two people are good friends. They hike together, hang out, have many common interests, and occasionally have sex.

In it, there’s a sexual relationship between two people, but they aren’t romantic partners. The lack of romance doesn’t make them platonic friends because of sexual interest.

Many mistakes it for being friends after a breakup. Let’s see how that works out…

Platonic Relationship vs Post-breakup friendships

In post-breakup friendships, couples may misunderstand friendly intimacy as a way to rekindle their relationship. They patch up once again and follow an unhealthy streak because of the lingering feelings. Platonic relationships don’t work if romance exists.

Some couples break up as they find they aren’t suitable for one another. They break up with some bittersweet romantic and sexual memories.

Though they fell out of love, they can’t possibly erase the memories or engage in deep strictly platonic intimacy.

Any kind of intimacy after a breakup will confuse you. You might think that there’s a chance to rekindle your love. This type of friendship results in a pattern or breakup and makeup.

It’s usually not possible to form platonic relationships with your ex. Those who successfully ace this set boundaries to make it work. It also depends on the reason for the breakup.

There’s another kind of confusion between platonic love and platonic friendship. Let’s check it here…

Platonic Love vs Platonic Friendship

Two people who are friends and have no physical or romantic interests in one another share a platonic friendship. The love they express to one another is platonic love.

In platonic love, two people share a unique bond with one another. They share their good and bad feelings with one another first and even have common interests. However, they don’t want to and don’t feel romantic attraction.

It might be the feelings around your “love at first sight” as you both share the same tastes and perspectives… but this isn’t romantic love. It’s mostly confusing to most as they haven’t experienced it.

Platonic friendship is a meaningful friendship with platonic love. They’re like best friends for life. They may be very close, and have got one another’s back without romantic or sexual attraction.

It’s like you say “I love you”, you mean it, but you don’t wanna kiss or cuddle to prove it. Platonic love doesn’t imply any romantic depiction. 

Still, confused about how platonic love relationships look? Let’s make sure with these…

Characteristics of Platonic love relationship

To many, a platonic love relationship is a confusing concept because they either didn’t experience it or experienced it but didn’t recognize it.

Well, you make different types of relationships but don’t have a label for all of them. So, let’s check if you ever experienced platonic love from these characteristics…

1. It boosts honesty in your relationship

In romantic relationships, couples are constantly afraid of their partner leaving them. So, they can’t be purely honest with one another.

You want one another’s unconditional love but nobody is perfect. Due to your insecurities about your imperfections, honesty is a far-fetched dream.

In platonic relationships, there’s brutal honesty because you don’t mind what they think of you.

You don’t want them to hold a desirable image about you. Rather, you want to show them the reality and continue the relationship.

Your romantic partner will hold back from judging you. They fear hurting you. But your platonic love won’t… and they’ll tell you things as it is.

2. It is all about respecting boundaries

In platonic relationships, you respect one another’s boundaries far more than in romantic ones.

In romantic relationships, many (not all) people push their partner’s boundaries because of the notion “We’re partners so they can/must…” 

In platonic relationships, you don’t try to own one another. You let one another be and dynamics are pretty respectful for that.

With time you understand and identify the negotiable boundaries. If you must, you ask them to compromise on them but don’t nudge the non-negotiable.

Since you respect one another’s boundaries, there’s immense trust… sometimes even more than romantic relationships.

You may have a romantic partner and sleep in the same room as your platonic love… because you know nothing will go wrong… it’s strictly platonic.

3. You won’t hold expectations in platonic love

In romance, you always think what if they don’t need you anymore… maybe they’ll find someone prettier, richer, more established, and so on. There are these expectations in romance to be an eligible partner.

In platonic love, you don’t have such eligibility criteria. It depends on you as a human… if your morals, ethics, beliefs, and interests coincide, you’re good.

If you don’t have much in common, neither of you will feel comfortable around the other. So, it doesn’t work out so you simply don’t stick together.

4. You aren’t selfish in platonic love

In romance, couples want one another all to themselves. They think of owning and binding one another somehow. Not that it’s bad because those are common feelings.

However, you compromise with your desires because of romantic love… that’s where platonic love stands out. Platonic love doesn’t work on selfish desires.

You don’t NEED to change your desires because the other person likes something else. Your relationship doesn’t crumble when you prioritize yourself. Both sides wish the others the best and let them go.

You two might even have different romantic lives and you don’t bicker because you don’t get to spend time.

When you notice that they’re depending too much on you, you say it to their face and don’t sugarcoat it. You don’t hold back because they might leave you… it’s that selfless.

5. You appreciate one another

In platonic relationships, you appreciate one another’s kindness, honesty, and presence. It’s because you don’t usually find such people who understand your emotions like them.

You like how they stand beside you. They help you grow into a better person with day-to-day activities. They don’t have ulterior motives or fear you deserting them.

It seems so “detached” but so close and that’s exactly how you want to be… free and bound simultaneously.

Curious if you’re in a platonic love relationship? Let’s make sure from these…

Signs of platonic love relationship

You might be in a platonic love relationship for years and not know it is one. Neither of you concerns yourself with the labeling because you’re comfortable with how things are.

That itself is the essence of a platonic love relationship. So, to help you identify, I’ve enlisted a few signs.

1. You’re both close

Are you both quite close to one another? Do you think that sharing the most intimate and complicated details is normal? If yes, then you’re in a platonic love relationship

2. They accept you how you are

Do they accept all aspects of you? Do they entertain you without judging?

If this person never looks down on you and stays beside you without extreme demands, that’s your platonic love relationship.

3. They’re brutally honest with you

When you go wrong in life, do they silently stand by and watch? If this person states black and white apart without any fear of separation and tries to correct you…there’s no doubt this relationship is platonic.

4. They understand you

When you share your thoughts, do they listen and connect with you?

If this person understands you deeply like nobody else, never misunderstands your intentions, doesn’t try to change your perspective or push their own on you… that’s a good sign of a platonic love relationship. 

5. You feel you’re soulmates in a different way

In a platonic love relationship, you’ll connect with one another so much… people might even assume you’re dating… or something is cooking between you guys.

You find yourself made for each other… but just not romantically or sexually. It’s because you guys have aligned thoughts and views.

Like they show in movies when two friends say “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

But wait, there are different types… so you might have a special name for your relationship. Let’s find it here…

Types of love platonic relationship

Depending on your gender and the platform you’re connected in, there are different types of platonic love relationships. However, there might soon be other forms too. So, let’s know about the types here…

1. Bromance

This is a close relationship with love and affection between two men without any romantic or sexual attraction.

2. Womance 

Similar to bromance, this is an affectionate and emotional bond between two women. They don’t have any sexual or romantic interest in one another.

3. Work spouse

This is when two coworkers are so close and compatible in their work life.

They need one another like a married couple does… because they complete one another with their professional functionality. It’s like those workplace duos who can take on any task successfully.

Wondering why people fuss over platonic relationships? It’s time to unfurl the secrets here…

Benefits of Platonic relationships

Platonic relationships are a great way to grow as a human being. You get to share your views with another person and learn to deal with the harsh world.

It also has health benefits as it doesn’t stress you with endless responsibilities like other ones. So, let’s head in and know it all…

1. Love with support leads to a healthy life

The dynamics of platonic relationships surround unconditional love and support. You feel close and don’t feel pressured either.

Medically reviewed studies show that love and support have many health benefits.

It decreases the chance of getting diseases, enhances immunity, and lowers the risk of mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

You get emotional support, someone to listen to you, get validation, and a shoulder to lean on.

2. You have less stress

When you know how open and accepting the other person is… you naturally feel less stressed. It helps you cope with stress because they understand you.

Rather than the “You shouldn’t do this…” you get to hear something that will work things out. As you spend more time together, you slowly learn better ways to cope.

Without stress, you lower the risk of getting cardiovascular ailments, blood pressure, digestive, and immunity issues.

3. You get an entirely new view which makes you resilient

This person is someone who has quite distinct experiences in life. When you stick together without judgment, your horizons broaden.

You become more open-minded and don’t hate the small inconveniences in life. Rather, you remember what that person taught you.

You use their lessons in your life and find solutions to all troublesome matters.

4. You get to confide in someone

Life is the biggest trouble… in fact, if I had to be pessimistic, every day and moment is full of problems. Many of you might like complaining and rambling to let it off your chest.

However, how many people listen to you till the end? Most try to solve issues, judge you, try to use your secrets against you, or gossip about you. It’s hard to confide in others.

In platonic relationships, the other person listens to you and you feel safe confiding in them.

5. You get to practice and set boundaries

In day-to-day relationships, you’re always wary and protective of your boundaries. Perhaps you become friends with someone of the opposite gender.

They don’t understand that you don’t want to change your relationship… but they still try to impress you.

Crossing boundaries isn’t a big issue to them and you struggle to maintain them.

In platonic relationships, you get to set boundaries and practice maintaining them. This is an overall healthy life practice.

6. You can be your true self

People try to impress everyone that values their image. It might be a crush, a long-term romantic partner, or any acquaintance.

You groom yourself, wear the best clothes and makeup, show you’re an amicable person… and you also pretend to be someone you aren’t.

It’s fun to deck yourself initially but becomes tiresome with time.

In platonic relationships, you feel secure even without such a farce. You get to state your feelings because you don’t have much to lose. It’s a great way to find genuine people too.

7. You can build honest connections

Just as you state yourself bluntly in platonic relationships, the other person does the same. You don’t hold back during the exchanges and that deepens your connection.

You communicate honestly and never hold back. Though it doesn’t imply you can be mean… you don’t worry and share calculated words.

8. There’s less drama

In romantic relationships, fights are a huge deal. Because what if they find someone better? What if someone else consoles them and they drift away? The uncertainties choke you.

However, in platonic relationships, there’s a lot less at stake. So, your fights aren’t that dramatic. It’s straightforward, you take time apart, cool yourself off, and get back.

9. You don’t worry about labels

A platonic relationship doesn’t have stages like romance. You either stick together or don’t… it doesn’t come in painful stages like dating, going exclusive, engagement, marriage, breakups, or divorce.

It’s so simple and you get the love and support without the labeling.

10. You don’t fear ulterior motives

In platonic relationships, you don’t need to be wary of others’ motives. You help one another with wise insights or sometimes even money.

But if they don’t spend your money wisely, you can always say it straight and to their face. Don’t worry that your comment will push them away and you’ll never see them again.

You’re way beyond that fear and enjoy a healthy connection.

However, is it always merry? Let’s figure it out here…

Challenges of platonic relationships

In a platonic relationship, you deeply connect with another person. You or the other person might mistake the connection for something romantic. You may try to take the next step and things get messy if the other person doesn’t reciprocate the feelings.

The only challenge of a platonic relationship is having a crush on your platonic partner. It’s possible to turn your platonic relationship into a romantic or sexual one.

However, if the other person wants to maintain a strictly platonic relationship, it takes the form of unrequited love.

They might push you away because this isn’t a platonic connection when one catches feelings.

Maintain your boundaries strictly to avoid such issues. Restrain your time spending, physical contact, defenseless attitude, reaching out, and other similar aspects that might lead to developing feelings.

Wondering what happens if you add a bit of intimacy to it? Let’s find it out here…

Intimacy in Platonic Relationships

If you work on the sexual tension in your platonic relationship, it becomes FWB. Always identify your objectives of having an FWB. Whether you want a friendship or a romantic relationship, it’s better to communicate than to take roundabout routes.

Platonic relationships don’t usually include sexual and romantic feelings. However, a sexual connection is possible if there’s no hint of romance. This is somewhat of a friends with benefits (FWB) situation.

However, before you begin this, identify your objective from this step. A 2020 medically reviewed study showed about 59% of people turned their FWB into a friendship and 15% made it into romantic relationships.

Other than that, also figure out both of your feelings about it. If either of you holds romantic feelings and the other doesn’t… it’s only a matter of time until you feel resentful due to a lack of reciprocation.

Communication is the only way to reach the bottom. Only then intend on changing your relationship dynamics.

Wanna have a platonic relationship? Let’s work on that here…

How to form platonic relationships?

You may find a new person and build a platonic relationship from scratch. Or, work on an old friendship to turn it into a platonic one. It all depends on your situation. So, let’s know how to find someone suitable here…

  • Reach out to people on social media groups with your interests.
  • Enroll in workshops and courses on things you find interesting.
  • Participate in communities online or offline for your liked goals.
  • Volunteer for communal causes you care about.
  • Focus on existing relationships in your life. Enforce boundaries, and be honest and supportive to brew a strong and healthy platonic relationship.

Wondering how to make your platonic relationship work perfectly? Let’s protect the relationship here…

How can you create boundaries in a platonic relationship?

To make any relationship work, you need some ground rules and boundaries. In platonic relationships, boundaries are all the more important because you don’t want to make things awkward.

Moreover, if you or the other person wants a platonic connection only, there’s more reason to stress on these…

1. Keep strict relationship boundaries

If you want to keep romance and sex out of the equation, make sure to avoid things that kindle them.

For instance, avoid any activity that gives off “date” vibes. Like romantic movies, Netflix and chill, open-sky dinner, and one-to-one amusement park visits.

Share messages or media only that you can send to another friend. Don’t send any overtly sexual content. Don’t go on romantic dates or fancy dinners even out of gratitude.

You may feel really grateful and want to treat them, but make sure the ambiance isn’t romantic. Don’t try romantic gestures in general and don’t provoke them for similar reactions either.

2. Set an outline on sexual discussions

A sexual discussion like masturbation and sex is normal among close ones. However, some may only touch on such topics superficially.

If you’re open about discussing sex, you might bring it up randomly. However, is the other person as open? They might think that you mention it because you wanna take things further.

Such misunderstandings often result in mixed signals. So, communicate what they think about such topics. If they think it’s too intimate, avoid the topic.

3. Keep the flirting down

Even friends flirt and that’s not crossing boundaries… if you check your body language and keep the physical/sexual contact low.

However, in platonic relationships, flirting sends mixed signals. If you want nothing more than a platonic bond yourself and the other person flirts with you, you might consider their attitude as dangerous signs.

Make sure you both communicate how open you’re to flirting. If either doesn’t feel comfortable about it, then don’t flirt or take space from them.

4. Set boundaries for when you’ll find romance

Some people make a platonic relationship their primary one. They share a house, finances, get kids, and so on. If you’re not on board with this idea, discuss your rules about them.

For instance, you won’t spend more time with one another than your romantic partner, won’t hide one another from your romantic partners, and won’t talk trash about your romantic partners.

Decide what else is on the plate together. Don’t even support them when they badmouth their partner. You may suggest solutions to make things better but no fuelling the fire.

5. Don’t be too open

No hugging (other than greetings and when you need support), kissing, holding hands, changing in front of them, cuddling, skinny dipping together, or anything else that might put sexual tension on the table.

Don’t introduce FWB dynamics in the relationship unless you both want it. Don’t hang out in one another’s room too often as it sends wrong signals.

But if you want to make it even better, no need to fumble around anymore. Find all of your answers here…

Tips to thrive in Platonic relationships

If you’re not careful, despite maintaining the boundaries, confusion may arise in your life.

Since there are other important relationships in your life, it’s even more important to balance everything appropriately, so let’s know it here…

1. Build the relationship with honesty

Begin the platonic relationship with honesty. Tell them that you only want a platonic bond and you’re not looking to make something else out of it.

If you’re clear and honest from the beginning, they won’t hope for anything else. They won’t try expressing any sexual attraction either.

Also, if you develop feelings for them, express yourself. This might end the platonic relationship… but that’s far better than unrequited love and resentment.

Sometimes, honest discussions lead to the best results in life. If you can’t, then take some space from them to clear your mind.

2. Keep the words flowing

These types of relationships aren’t about hanging out aimlessly. There’s a purpose behind it so share your emotions clearly. Make sure you share all the negatives and the positives.

They aren’t a bin where you dump the negatives alone. So, share them with the good bits too. Be as open and frank as possible but that’s not a green signal to demean them.

If you feel they caught feelings, break the ice and they might be a little less on edge. If they deny such feelings, share your thoughts. Clear all your doubts and make the relationship worth it.

3. Share the responsibilities

Any relationship is a two-way street, so don’t wait for them to reach out. Sometimes, reach out to yourself and ask them about their day.

They might feel used because you always connect for your needs but never ask about them. Make sure you plan some activities with them. If you’re busy with family, invite them over.

Even if you’re busy, it doesn’t hurt to include them in the important stuff. Make sure they feel appreciated and cared for.

4. Don’t wait to answer their calls

When they reach out to you, don’t wait or judge whether they’re up to any good. Stay beside them as much as possible and show them that it’s a give and take relationship.

Don’t let them feel they aren’t worth the attention. If you do, they may not mind much. However, they may not reach out to you for the second time.

5. Balance all relationships

Maintaining a platonic relationship alongside other relationships is quite tough. You don’t know which one to prioritize, where to spend more time, or where to give space.

Sometimes give your platonic relationship a break, focus on your family and romantic relationship if any. If you feel you ignore one to focus on the other, change your ways.

Hang out in groups to ease so nobody feels excluded. Your romantic partner will also get the chance to mingle with this person and vice versa.

Sometimes you can’t but prioritize one relationship. Make sure you don’t ignore one person repeatedly and prioritize the other at a stretch.

But what if it leads to something more on the romance lane? Well, there’s a lot to know here…

Can a platonic love relationship become romantic?

Make sure your feelings aren’t due to loneliness. If you had a breakup, take time to get over them. If your feelings persist, confess. Start dating if you both have mutual feelings. If not, take space and date others unless the feelings fade. End the platonic relationship if it doesn’t fade.

Human beings don’t catch feelings willingly. So it’s completely possible that something platonic transitions into a romantic relationship.

Moreover, most romantic relationships begin with friendship which is similar to platonic relationships.

Some common signs of a platonic to romantic transition are mutual flirting, increased attachment, discussing them with other friends, and your gut instincts.

Make sure you’re not mistaking yearning for human touch or loneliness as love. It might happen if you broke up recently and want to rebound.

If it’s too fast after a breakup, take more time to assess your feelings… at least until you move on from your ex.

If it’s not a mistake, express your feelings to them honestly. If they have feelings too, you guys might hit it off.

However, if they don’t want the same, you’ll both feel awkward. So, take some time away from them and try dating others. If your feelings and sexual tension fade, catch up once again.

If it doesn’t but they don’t reciprocate your feelings, end the platonic relationship. You can’t endure the bottled-up feelings for too long.

Anxious if the reverse is possible? Well, follow me for answers…

Can a romantic relationship turn platonic?

A romantic relationship might become platonic if they lose the spark with time but want to stay together. Or, they may break up and continue a platonic relationship while they seek romance elsewhere.

Romantic relationships can become platonic due to relationship issues, challenges, and even because you’re going through a rough phase.

Sometimes it might be easy to handle the issue. With time, communication, understanding, and efforts, it gets better.

However, couples may at times fall out emotionally or sexually. These are grave situations because, without romance and sex, a romantic relationship is as good as gone.

However, if the couple still has some feelings left behind, they might not split. They might continue on the path of platonic relationships, but that needs lots of devotion, loyalty, and honesty.

Or, they may move on from their romantic relationship and look for other romantic connections… but stay connected as platonic friends.

They show one another platonic love and call themselves friends. This may not always work out but it doesn’t hurt trying.

After all that blabbering you still up for more? I’m sure you are because platonic relationships aren’t that simple! So, let’s keep rolling here…


Many people can’t believe a platonic relationship is possible between opposite genders. Some think it’s not possible in gender, probably for their experiences.

Then there’s also the question about platonics going hand in hand with dating and marriage. To find more info on platonic relationships, let’s dig it out…

1. Are platonic relationships possible?

Platonic relationships are possible as long as you both understand the meaning and have clear intentions. If either of you catches feelings, you might face unfavorable moments.

People also flirt in platonic relationships. But that doesn’t mean they have ulterior motives or that it isn’t platonic. With a clear mind and thoughts, it’s possible.

2. Are platonic relationships healthy?

There are many benefits of platonic relationships.

From unconditional love and support to less dramatic fights… from a shoulder to lean on to attaining resilience… from building and practicing healthy boundaries to getting honest opinions about yourself… from being selfless to being able to express yourself without holding back.

Platonic relationships help you grow as a human being which is quite healthy.

3. Do platonic relationships work?

Platonic relationships work so long you don’t hold any motives like romance or sex. Before beginning any kind of relationship in your life, think about your objective.

Will you be satisfied with nothing around romantic and sexual feelings? If yes, then platonic relationships will work without a glitch. You’ll learn along the way that it’s much lighter than romantic ones.

There’s no burden or expectation in a platonic relationship… this aspect makes it work more smoothly.

4. Can a marriage be platonic?

Platonic marriage is real and possible. It’s the marital union between two people who aren’t sexually or romantically attracted to one another but have enough platonic love to work it out.

A platonic marriage may be one between two people who were in a platonic love relationship. They decided to marry one another and strive for their other goals like raising a family and the like.

It might be between two aromantic folks who don’t feel romantic connections and often feel judged by others. However, they understand one another and things work out.

A perfectly “regular” romantically and sexually attracted couple might also transition into platonic marriage because they lost that sort of feeling. But other than romantic attraction and sexual desire, they still want one another.

Lastly, it might be when two friends don’t find partners… and get into a last-resort relationship. They get married because of family pressure or a self-set deadline.

5. What does it mean to have a platonic friendship?

Platonic friendship is only having a deep meaningful friendship without sexual or romantic attachment. Due to its purity, this type of relationship might become the best kind you ever had.

It boosts your sense of belonging along with many health impacts. You become confident and it reduces the chances of mental health issues like stress, depression, and anxiety.

6. Can a platonic friendship affect my romantic relationship?

Platonic relationships are innocent because of the lack of romance and sex. Whether it’s you or your partner, both must feel secure about the platonic relationship.

However, if your platonic love has ulterior motives or there’s sexual tension between you two… your partner will feel threatened.

Your partner might feel insecure when you two spend time together. This is when your romantic relationship might sour. So, make sure you communicate your intentions to both parties.

Your partner doesn’t deserve to feel this way, so make sure you prioritize them.

7. Can you platonically date someone?

It’s completely possible to date platonically. However, you can’t sexually approach them if you want to keep the platonic label on the table.

It’s like going on dates, sharing adventurous experiences, and being emotionally attached to one another, but there’s no sexual tension.

A platonic relationship might lead to a romantic relationship itself. But if you both consent to keep things platonic, define your ground rules and relish the bond.

8. How does a platonic relationship change your life?

In romantic relationships, everything ruins when two people don’t feel the same about one another or when they commit adultery. In this way, many relationships shortly end even before maturing.

Platonic relationships are about selfless love, respect, and honesty. So, it fills your soul with soothing sensations. Healthy and happy romantic relationships can stem from platonic ones.

If your platonic relationship ever transitions into romance, you might find a meaningful, successful, and long-lasting relationship.

9. Can a man and a woman really have a platonic relationship?

A platonic relationship is possible between a man and a woman so long they respect one another’s boundaries. This is in no way the same as friends with benefits.

If a person of the opposite sex wants to be friends… but clings and has high expectations from you, that’s a dangerous sign. State your boundaries clearly the moment anyone pushes them.

If they don’t listen to you, leave them and cut off all connections.

10. How to show platonic love?

Everyone has different languages of love. So your platonic love will feel cherished differently from you. If you both care enough, you’ll try to know one another’s love language.

However, it’s quite hard because you’ll need to invest a serious amount of time and energy. This will require open communication about your love languages.

The question “Hey, what’s your love language?” sounds a bit weird. But let’s face it, you don’t have enough time to figure out a person and understand it. This is the most accurate solution for you.

Learn it and adopt one another’s language while expressing it.

A word from ThePleasantRelationship

Platonic relationships may be a great alternative to primary or romantic relationships. It might be great even if you have a steady romantic partner.

It never intervenes with your other relationships… so long you don’t allow it. If you keep your platonic and romantic life separate, nourish both, and wisely prioritize both… this can give you immense joy. 

However, if you want to turn your platonic relationship into a romantic one… don’t beat around the bush. There’s no point saying you’re in a platonic relationship and not being true to your feelings. 

Decide what’s the best for you both. But if the end is not desirable, take time and move on.

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