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How to Overcome Shyness – 60 Ways to Stop Being Shy and Win People

How to Overcome Shyness – 60 Ways to Stop Being Shy and Win People

Updated on Aug 08, 2023

Reviewed by Katina Tarver, MA (Mental Health and Wellness Counseling) , Life & Relationship Coach

How to Overcome Shyness - 60 Ways to Stop Being Shy and Win People

There’s nothing wrong with being shy, but it can make it difficult to form friendships and relationships. That’s where the question arises: how to overcome shyness and be confident?

This is why it is critical to learn how to stop being shy. Otherwise, you may be restricted in the number of potential connections you have.

When you’re shy, it’s usually due to your upbringing, your confidence or perhaps you’ve always been an introvert and it’s in your nature.

There may be times when your shyness prevents you from trying new things or gives the impression that you’re a really awkward and nervous person. 

However, you can always choose to learn how to stop being shy.

In this article, we have curated ultimate ways to get rid of shyness and influence people. So, let’s roll!

How to Overcome Shyness - 60 Ways to Stop Being Shy and Win People
How to Overcome Shyness – 60 Ways to Stop Being Shy and Win People

60 Ways to Learn Overcome Shyness

Many people around the world struggle with mild to severe shyness and are working hard to overcome it. 

To overcome shyness, you must first understand what causes your shyness, then work to change your mental state and perspective on those circumstances.

And then practise putting yourself in comfortable and uncomfortable situations until you’ve worked through the fears that are holding you back. 

Remember that coming out of your shell does not happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and most importantly, a desire to change. So, let’s understand them. 

1. Find the root cause of your shyness

Pondering the source of your shyness can assist you in becoming aware of and accepting who you truly are.

For example, if you are aware of a terrible occurrence that caused you to be shy, it may be time to seek assistance in overcoming those circumstances and memories.

You may be able to go on with your life and overcome your emotions of shyness once you learn to comprehend what happened in the past.

If you believe it is due to your upbringing, now is the time to assess your connection with your parents. Are they still in charge? Are they shy? 

Another thing that may have happened to you as a child that has an impact on you as an adult is being labeled as shy by other people. People are often bashful when they are young and then grow out of it.

Unfortunately, some individuals grab onto that term and continue to treat others who they perceive to be “shy” with kid gloves, even if their personality has matured.

You must accept that shyness is something you can conquer in life. It does not have to be a fixed feature.

2. Identify what are the situations that triggers you to being shy

Is it speaking in public that sends you running for cover? Is it a formal invitation? 

By understanding the triggers for your shyness, you may plan ahead of time and devise a strategy for dealing with certain situations. You can focus on overcoming your triggers by practicing what you would do if confronted with them.

Some triggers, like public speaking, are quite prevalent. On the other hand, some triggers are particularly personal to the individual.

These triggers may be difficult to recognise but you can seek professional help to determine what they are for you.

These might be as simple as a smell, a specific location, or even a song. Personal triggers are those things that either consciously or unintentionally remind you of a bad memory. 

You probably aren’t shy in every setting in your life. You’re probably fine when you’re with close friends or family, right?

Understanding that these people are not that different to strangers is critical. The only difference is that you know these people better.

This will help you recognise that it is your situation that causes you to be shy—you are not the problem.

Identifying your personal triggers can take time but it is essential. Then you can take the necessary steps to overcome them.

3. List the social situations that cause you the greatest anxiety and then conquer them one at a time.

Consider these items to be your “shyness bucket list.” Make small talk with strangers or summon the courage to introduce yourself or even ask someone out. 

The more you avoid social settings, the worse your anxiety becomes. Act boldly and remind yourself that you have every reason to be as self-assured as you can be.

Join a group or a sports team that will get you out in the neighborhood and interact with others. This will assist you in meeting new people who share your interests.

Moreover, by engaging in new activities, you will be overcoming a fear of the unknown, which is commonly associated with extreme shyness.

It’s fine if you have to skip about your list a little while executing the tasks on it. Simply do whatever makes you feel comfortable as long as you’re pushing yourself.

4. Surround yourself with informations to feel confident

If you’re heading to a weekend party and are dreading the small chat, spend the time preceding up to the event to research current events.

It might be the most recent viral video, a political issue, or a global event. Study the subject and acquire the idea of it.

This way, you’ll have an armory of topics to discuss with others whenever one of those awkward silences occurs.

If you are aware of what is going on in the world, you can be prepared to discuss something with the other person about which they are also likely to be aware.

This will also help you feel more confident in social situations. If you don’t feel confident now, it’s going to grow a lot worse if everyone is talking about a current incident you’re not familiar with. 

Make sure you’re up to date on what’s going on in the world so you can either engage with others who are talking or enlighten someone who isn’t.

5. Make a subtle eye contact with others

Make eye contact to break out of your shell. When you make eye contact, you show confidence and establish a connection with the other person.

If you have a fear of making eye contact, it can interfere with your normal social interactions.

Maintaining eye contact is an important part of any social engagement. People who can look other people in the eyes are perceived as pleasant and nurturing.

However, many people who are timid or socially nervous struggle with this part of communication.

If you haven’t practiced looking someone in the eyes when talking to them, or if you don’t like being in the spotlight, it can be awkward.

6. Keep a natural smile on your face without being awkward 

Most shy people are wrongly classified as standoffish. Give strangers a warm grin and watch them reciprocate—it will most likely make both your and their day better.

Smiling is a pleasant approach to acknowledge another person and an excellent technique to strike up a discussion with anyone.

You’re showing that you’re welcoming, kind, and eager to converse.

Humans are typically described as social beings. Everyone desires some form of interaction with other people.

You’re not bothering them by smiling and talking to someone else, but you’re brightening their day.

7. Keep a record of your successes and strengths

Keep a journal of your successes, even the tiny ones, in overcoming shyness and keep it for future reference. In your journal, write down your triggers as well as any successes you have.

The ability to track your progress is an excellent method to stay encouraged and keep going.

You’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come, and it’ll make you believe that overcoming shyness is entirely achievable.

Making progress with your shyness may take a short or long time—it is different for everyone. You simply have to trust that if you continue with it, you will achieve your goal.

You should give yourself a reward after each success.

If you’re just getting into the practice of being more confident, rewarding yourself for each excellent outcome will help the behavior stick. 

This can assist teach your brain that whatever you are doing that is difficult is a good thing, and you will gain something from it in addition to the satisfaction of knowing you have overcome a fear.

Re-watch your favorite movie that you’ve seen a hundred times, or enjoy a small dessert after dinner.

Allow yourself to indulge in whatever you find truly fulfilling following a success, no matter how small.

8. Be kind and generous to yourself, it takes time to overcome shyness

Shyness does not go away overnight. What matters is that you’re attempting to improve your situation, regardless of how quickly you do it. 

If it appears to be taking a long time, that’s fine because you’re making progress.

Not only are you always working toward your goal, but you’re also self-aware enough to recognise how well you’re doing which is a valuable attribute to have.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you find this procedure to be slow. That will simply postpone your progress and may encourage you to give up. Use it to motivate yourself to keep going.

9. Simply accept it that you are a shy person

The first step toward overcoming any difficulty is to recognise it. If you truly want to learn how to stop being shy, just admit it. Recognize your shyness and your desire to overcome it. 

Just because you recognise your shortcoming does not make you lesser or a bad person.

In reality, it strengthens you since you are determined to improve yourself by admitting your mistakes.

We assure that revealing your shyness will not make people dislike you. Your timidity is most likely one of the oddities they’ve grown to appreciate about you.

10. Face your shyness in front of your friends and family

Starting with your friends and family is a good place to start when it comes to coming clean. 

They’re probably the ones who are more aware of your shyness than others, which means they should be the first to know.

Start with your family and friends if you want to learn how to stop being shy.

Also, make it clear that you do not want to be pushed. Your friends may believe they are assisting you, yet they wind up pushing and suffocating you.

This way, they’ll know whether to invite you out or not be as pushy about inviting you.

11. Determine the source and cause of your shyness

Were you always shy or did you gradually turn into one? Again, shyness can be caused by a variety of circumstances. 

Perhaps you were raised as an only child and were socialized to be shy, or perhaps you experienced something horrific. If you understand why you are shy, you will be able to overcome it.

This also helps you understand whether you’re shy in general or just shy in a given setting.

For example, some shy people are highly extroverted in small gatherings but won’t even speak a whole sentence in a large crowd.

These are the things that can help you recognise your own levels of shyness and what you can do about it.

12. Understand your comfort zone and try to come out of it

Understand what you’re comfortable with and where your limits are. There are some lines you must not cross which is good.

Find the line between what you can and cannot cross when learning how to stop being shy.

With being stated, there is such a thing as making excuses in order to remain in your comfort zone indefinitely.

Even if overcoming shyness takes time, you must be willing to let go of familiarity and comfort at some point. Perhaps not immediately but soon.

13. Don’t create huge goals to overcome shyness, it doesn’t happens overnight

Goals are wonderful things to have, but keep them modest at first. While the goal is to overcome your shyness, it does not have to be accomplished overnight.

You will not conquer this challenge overnight, just as no one achieves success overnight. What’s the big deal?

Simply take your time stepping outside of your comfort zone and getting to know yourself. If your ambitions are too lofty, you risk becoming overwhelmed and quitting up.

As a result, you’ll exhaust yourself and you won’t want to try again to achieve this aim. Take things one step at a time to overcome your shyness and see where it leads you.

14. Take small steps to overcome shyness

You don’t have to dive right in. Take it slowly. We’ve said it before but we’ll say it again: don’t hurry into things.

There’s no need to jump into the water right away; instead take a quick dip and see what happens.

You can’t speed the procedure because doing so would make you feel more stressed. You won’t startle yourself and withdraw back into your comfort zone if you take things slowly. 

You won’t be stuck in your comfort zone for the rest of your life, afraid of getting overwhelmed or making another mistake because you jumped in too quickly.

15. Prepare some prior conversation starters 

If you’re concerned that you won’t have anything to say at the upcoming party or interview, plan ahead of time.

Make a list of five fundamental discussion starters. This is the best method to avoid letting your anxiety get the best of you.

When you’re ready for a social occasion, you’re ready for whatever life has in store for you. You’re fine as long as you say anything connected to the event you’re attending.

You may practise this with yourself in front of a mirror, then when you’re ready, take it up a step – practise with your friends and family when you’re more confident.

16. Practice saying what you want to say in front of mirror

This is similar to the previous suggestion, but you must practise what you intend to say if you want to learn how to quit being shy.

We are terrified of saying the incorrect thing or making a fool of ourselves which contributes to our shyness.

You’ll be able to arrange your ideas and forecast where the conversations will go if you practise what you’re going to say.

So, if you dislike the element of surprise, this is a terrific method to relax.

17. Know what you’re excellent at and focus on your strengths

The greatest method to overcome this and learn how to stop being shy is to focus on your strengths rather than your deficiencies.

You’ll never achieve anything if you continuously focus on what’s lacking, so focus on what you’re exceptionally good at.

This will not only help you gain confidence, but you will also have some discussion ideas at your disposal.

Also, don’t reject this by saying you don’t have any strengths because everyone does.

You’re just so used to ignoring them that you don’t notice them anymore but they’re there.

18. Stop caring what other will people think

What you need to understand is that no one cares about you. Stop worrying about people constantly judging or condemning you.

People are usually so distracted with their own life that they don’t have the energy to critique you when they’re busy judging themselves.

It’s easy to believe that everyone is continuously judging your every move but that’s not the case. People love themselves.

We all make comments about each other, but no one recalls it because we’re all too obsessed with ourselves. Remember this the next time your shyness overwhelms you.

19. Observe extroverts and try to adapt their actions

If you don’t know how to approach people, observe extroverts. They’re the life of the party embodying what it’s like to be self-assured and secure and they make it appear so simple to talk to everyone.

Take note of how they communicate, their body language, facial expressions, and everything else.

When it comes to learning how to stop being shy, extroverts can teach you a lot.

You never know, your extrovert friend could be the inspiration you need to learn from them. If they can accomplish it, you can too.

20. When in doubt, ask questions to others

If you’re at a loss for what to say to someone, remember that people enjoy talking about themselves.

Questions are the most interesting part of a conversation, so when in doubt ask them any question about themselves and they’ll keep going.

What’s the nicest part about this? It gives the impression that you’re truly interested and involved in the conversation. It doesn’t even need to be philosophical.

Simply asking them about their dog or what their tattoo means will get them started.

You can even ask them about their life passions because people enjoy talking about what they are passionate about.

21. Don’t underestimate yourself 

If you’re a comic with a high amount of self-confidence, self-deprecation is acceptable.

However, if you’re shy don’t try to undermine yourself. If you’ve been embarrassed or made fun of yourself, understand that it’s not the end of the world.

You have two options: self-sabotage or utilize it as an opportunity to learn more. Stop allowing your negative ideas to control your growth and direction, no matter how simple it may be.

In any case, you can always opt to laugh about it which would be a terrific approach to make your friend laugh. Not bad for a shy person, eh?

22. Keep away from bullies and avoid those negative influential people

Yes, it’s shocking but people can be jerks even after they’ve graduated from high school. You should try to avoid bullies as much as possible and if you can’t, don’t listen to them.

It’s easier said than done but you can’t let bullies lower your self-esteem any further and entirely derail your development.

You’re attempting to work on yourself, not to assist them in inflating their self-esteem. So, surround yourself with individuals who are upbeat, intriguing, and supportive.

23. If you don’t succeed, try again and don’t give up

Progress isn’t linear and you should keep this in mind the next time you’re feeling down. When learning how to stop being shy, try again and again until you succeed.

The most self-assured people did not reach that level in a single attempt and you will not either.

You will not always get it right. You’re changing a part of yourself by learning how to quit being shy, therefore you’re going to fail a couple of times and it’ll be difficult.

24. Avoid using the label yourself as “shy”

Labeling ourselves as shy can sometimes prevent us from genuinely conquering that difficulty.

Labels might lead you to believe that you will always be defined by them. The truth is that you determine your life and what you do with it.

Stop labeling yourself and start taking action on what you want to do about it. Are you going to be that shy person, or will you be someone who actively overcomes their fears? You have an option.

25. Choose your friends carefully

You are the average of the five individuals with whom you spend the majority of your time.

This means that if you’re surrounded by negative people, that impression will certainly reflect in your life as well.

Instead surround yourself with people who will empower and support you on your journey. Choose people who will encourage you to focus on the positive rather than the negative.

26. Smile more during any conversations

We can’t emphasize it enough: you need to grin more in chats. Even if you are feeling shy at the time, a smile may always make interactions seem more light and enjoyable.

When you grin when talking to someone, you appear more approachable and nice.

No, we’re not talking about a creepy smile but rather really smiling at them and making them feel at ease.

Smiling also conveys the sense that you are confident. So, if we were you, we’d smile a lot more!

27. Understand the difference between shyness and low self-esteem 

There are many shy people who are extremely comfortable and content with themselves and who have healthy levels of self-confidence. 

Don’t think there’s something wrong with you just because you’re shy. Your partner chose you because they liked your personality which includes your shyness. 

Even if it’s something you want to work on for your own sake in the relationship. Remember that even if you’re timid, you can be confident and powerful.

Never apologize for your shyness. Explain why you’re reacting the way you are, state you’re working on it because you want to, but never create the impression that you owe extroversion to anyone.

28. Be honest about your shyness from the start

Studies have shown that talking about your shyness-related fear can reduce its effects and experts believe that displaying vulnerability is a smart approach to develop trust and closeness between partners. 

It’s critical to talk about your shyness right away, especially in new relationships. This will create the path for easier conversations later on which will help your relationship last. 

There’s nothing to be embarrassed of, so be upfront and honest about how you’re feeling when you notice yourself tensing up.

Don’t keep your apprehensive sentiments bottled up to deal with later.

Tell your lover how you’re feeling right now.

Don’t concentrate on your timidity; get it out there and then move on to another subject when the feeling passes.

Allow your partner to comfort you if they attempt.

29. Relax and don’t put too much pressure on a new relationship

Because you are aware of your shyness, you may place more pressure on yourself to make a relationship work right away, but relationships do not work that way even for outgoing people. 

Instead of always attempting to connect with your boyfriend or girlfriend, spend enough time with yourself and the friends and family with whom you feel comfortable to keep yourself happy. 

When you’re happier, your relationship has a better chance of succeeding.

30. Utilize technology to get to know your partner 

Many shy people discover that face-to-face conversations give them the most anxiety, but that they can converse more readily via text or the internet. 

Most new couples don’t spend all of their time together anyhow, so stay in touch via texting, Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of communication that will allow you to create a relationship and get to know each other without the stress of meeting in person.

31. Going on regular dates can help you prepare for a new relationship

If you find yourself tense with shyness when out on dates with your new boyfriend or girlfriend, consider going through the motions of a date without the added strain of being around someone who makes you nervous due to their inexperience.

Ask a platonic friend or relative with whom you are quite comfortable to accompany you on a “date.”

Go through the motions of getting dressed up, picking them up/having them pick you up, going to a restaurant and having a pleasant discussion.

Familiarize yourself with the dating environment and try to remember that when you’re on a real date with your spouse.

32. Make a list of important talks to have at that time 

When getting to know someone, it is sometimes necessary to have unpleasant personal dialogues.

For example, when you’re initially getting to know each other, you have to be upfront about your hopes and dreams, your worries and shames, and how you feel about your spouse. 

Plan out the important conversations you believe you’ll have with your partner ahead of time so you’ll be prepared when they happen.

Having a mental script prepared can make it much easier for you to open up.

Make a note of your worries, hopes, and other relevant emotions.

If you must have an argument, explain why you believe what you believe. Consider what your partner will say as well.

The better prepared you are for all conceivable conversational paths, the more open and effective you will be as a communicator.

33. In communication, mimic your partner’s facial expressions 

Even if you’re not particularly talkative due to your shyness, that doesn’t mean your spouse should feel lonely when interacting with you.

You can participate in a conversation nonverbally simply by recording the same feelings that the speaker is experiencing at the time.

If your companion smiles or laughs, you should do the same.

If they’re talking about something serious, show your concern on your face.

This will show your lover that you’re still interested in them and haven’t withdrawn into your own world.

34. Tell yourself that many girls are shy around boys as well 

One technique to prepare for talking to girls is to realize that the girls are probably just as nervous about talking to you as you are about talking to them. 

They may appear to have it all figured out and may act as if they aren’t shy or scared at all, but many girls are nervous about talking to boys on the inside as well. 

You’ll be less self-conscious about talking to girls if you’re more aware that every lady and guy is nervous about talking to people to some extent. 

While you’re worrying about what to say next or how you came across after your last comment, the girl you’re chatting to is probably wondering the same thing about herself.

Instead of being concerned with sounding clever, funny, or fascinating, focus on making the girl you’re speaking with feel at ease.

She’s probably worried about the same things you are and if you focus on making her comfortable, you won’t be as concerned about yourself.

35. Allow yourself a rest in the process of overcoming shyness 

Expecting to overcome shyness completely or overnight is impossible. Most people you meet and chat to have some level of shyness in various contexts. 

Shyness is a spectrum, not a binary, so don’t be too hard on yourself, especially if you’re just beginning out on your path to overcome shyness.

You just can’t tell how many other people are striving to overcome their shyness.

If you make a mistake, disregard it. The majority of people are more forgiving than you realize.

Be proud of yourself every time you chat to someone.

36. Practice talking and interacting with a friend 

 When you practise with someone you trust, you can obtain fast feedback and be rewarded with praise for your efforts. This will go a long way toward boosting your self-esteem. 

Practice making eye contact but not gazing, maintaining a confident attitude, making introductions, and asking inquiries.

Smiling when talking is good practice.

To begin, practise with either a male or girl. Practice in front of a mirror as well.

When you’re ready, go on a date with a female – ask your girl cousin if she’ll play the part so you can perfect your social skills. Practice Complimenting her.

37. Take small steps in approaching her

Consider dating and shyness to be a step-by-step programme. Begin with a smile to convey that you’re kind and approachable. Then, progress to saying “hello.” 

Engage in small chat a few days afterwards. Continue as you gradually open yourself up to others. 

Stop making excuses for your shyness. Get out there and make a difference.

38. Care about other people happiness 

Caring about other people’s happiness and focusing on them is what it means to be compassionate. Compassionate people don’t mind if all attention is focused on them. 

The more you care about other people, the less worried you are with how they see you, allowing you to relax and be excellent company in their presence.

Reaching out to someone who appears to be lonely is one method to practise compassion. Ask them for a coffee or have a meal with them.

39. Learn to deal with rejection 

Great boxers enter the ring knowing they have a risk of losing. Similarly, you can’t expect to be successful all of the time. No two people are a perfect match, and not everyone will get along. 

Instead, consider every meeting with a lady to be a great learning opportunity.

By putting yourself out there and being rejected, you’ll understand that it’s not the end of the world.

If you don’t attempt, you’ll never succeed. If you don’t ask, you’ll never get that first date!

40. Make eye contact with your partner 

Shy people frequently avoid eye contact which is entirely okay and even desired if you have a shy partner, but an extroverted partner would likely perceive you as aloof or distant.

Because the eyes are such a crucial instrument for communication, jumping into a lot of eye contact may feel exhausting.

Practice making eye contact more frequently and for longer amounts of time throughout time.

If looking into your partner’s eyes is too intimidating at first, practise on photographs and images on the TV or with your parents.

Even if you don’t make direct eye contact, looking anywhere near your partner’s eyes will be comforting to them.

It is simpler to make eye contact when you’re listening than when you’re speaking, so start with the easy stuff.

41. Maintain an uncrossed posture with your arms and legs

 When you cross your arms across your chest or cross your legs, your body communicates to those around you that you are attempting to shrink and close yourself off.

Make a conscious choice to keep your body open.

Allow your hands to rest at your sides.

Pull your shoulders back and forward, and your chest forward.

When listening, provide active nonverbal feedback. 

Even if you’re not a great communicator, there are many nonverbal ways to communicate with your partner that give the idea that they’re having more of a give and take with you than they actually are. 

Nonverbal communication can be done in a variety of ways, including:

  • Smiling or laughing when appropriate
  • Keeping eye contact
  • Nodding in agreement

42. Take long breaths to relax

Shyness is frequently accompanied by a great deal of worry about being in social circumstances where you’re supposed to be very open and intimate with your spouse. 

For a shy individual, this might be really distressing! If you see yourself tensing up around your partner. Try a simple relaxation practice to relax and put yourself in a better mood.

Take a deep breath and hold it for four counts before exhaling, controlling your breath as you go.

Repeat till you’ve overcome your nervousness.

43. Go on low-stress outings with your partner

 If the thought of a romantic setting such as a fancy meal makes you nervous and lower the bar. 

Go on a date where you won’t feel pressed to develop a one-on-one connection but where you can have fun together in a more public atmosphere. Depending on your interests, you could go to:

  • A sporting event in which you might be part of a crowd
  • A museum where you may talk about the exhibits rather than your own life.
  • A movie or a theatrical performance where you can spend time together without speaking

44. Build your self esteem

Our self-esteem influences many parts of our lives including how we perceive ourselves and how we interpret social situations.

When we are shy, we are concerned about making mistakes and what others may think of us.

Furthermore, low self-esteem and shyness can result in anxiety, despair, and loneliness.

On the other hand, having high self-esteem means that you can see yourself positively regardless of your flaws or mistakes.

If you work on improving your self-esteem, you will feel more confident while dealing with people and believe you have relevant information to share with them.

45. Be mindful

When you’re in a social environment, make an effort to be there. This will assist you in stopping the thoughts in your head.

Look for positive elements in your surroundings such as a pleasant environment or fascinating people.

Use your senses to stay in the current moment as well. At that instant, become conscious of what you hear, see, smell, or taste.

Take a deep breath whenever you feel your tension mounting. To feel more at ease, inhale and exhale to the count of three several times.

If there is too much going on around you, take a break and go outside to get some fresh air and breathe.

46. Assume Good Intentions

When we are in social circumstances, we may feel self-conscious and imagine that everyone is watching us and pointing out our flaws.

We imagine that people are judging us for every word and action we say and do.

The worst part is that when we are uneasy, tight or nervous, we are more likely to say or do strange things than when we are calm and relaxed.

In our minds, we believe that others exhibit the same pattern of conduct as the people who reared us.

So, if our parents were critical, we will infer that everyone around us is critical as well.

It is easier to overcome shyness if we believe that others are doing their best and that we are as well.

47. Get informed 

If you’re going to a party next week, it’s a good idea to come prepared with a couple of hot themes.

Is the government going to shut down again? Is there a hot TV programme finale? Is this a global event? 

That way, when the subject comes up in discussion, you’ll be prepared to contribute.

You’re not trying to impress anyone with your extensive and in-depth knowledge. You simply want to participate. 

Others aren’t expecting to be judged or given advice, so keep it light and friendly. “Man, I wouldn’t want to be in Boehner’s shoes,” for example, can keep the topic going.

48. Be a good listener

Most people believe that the opposite of not being shy is always chatting.

Actually, everyone enjoys being in the company of a good listener who asks fascinating questions and encourages them to speak up.

If you’re shy, this can work to your benefit since you like someone. You’re naturally more interested in what they have to say. 

As a result, if you approach a conversation as an opportunity to get to know your crush better, it will be easier to offer them interesting follow-up questions while you’re listening to them.

Try some of these questions if you’re having trouble coming up with engaging questions to ask.

Another strategy is to remember what they said earlier in the conversation and refer back to it.

49. Tell them about yourself

While being a good listener is one of the most effective methods to establish rapport, you must also reciprocate and be willing to open up about yourself.

Sharing your secrets with someone will surely bring them closer to you.

Prepare to have a few stories in your back pocket to help make talking about yourself easier–think of any childhood experiences, recent events, hobbies, or abilities that you’re passionate about. 

Maintain a concise and interesting tone without becoming overly verbose. Beyond all, be yourself–people love sincerity above all else.

50. Highlight some of your talents

Many introverted or timid persons are hesitant to boast about their accomplishments for fear of looking arrogant. 

However, the reality is that we discuss a little about what we enjoy. Let your crush know about any talents you have or any triumphs you’ve had.

Feel proud, be loyal, and your girlfriend or boyfriend will feel the same way about you.

Exploring your strengths and skills, self-esteem, and insecurity concerns all have an impact on shyness, thus it is critical to determine what you are good at and make the most of your ability. 

For example, if you appreciate music, attend classes and seminars to learn more about it. And if you prefer crafts, participate in workshops and so on.

This enables you to participate in various social situations, meet individuals who share your interests and improve your qualities and confidence.

51. Prepare a topic to discuss at that time

Never limit yourself to just listening; if you want to fascinate him/her, let the person believe that you are really interesting. And to do so, show interest in the other person, but take it slowly. 

It is not recommended to conduct an interrogation in a single session and to make comments that create the impression that you are conducting an inquiry or interview with the other person.

 Instead during some conversations, learn about their interests and conduct study on the subject so that you have something to talk about when you run out of ideas.

This will not put you in an unpleasant situation making you less shy. 

Aside from that, it will give your crush the impression that your hobbies are similar, making him or her more inclined to be interested in you.

When you get the opportunity to speak with him or her, do not pass it up. 

When you meet, it is crucial to start the discussion with a ‘hello,’ then move on to any topics about your college or friends.

And finally, if you are out of words then move on to the topic your crush enjoys.

 Finally, without being obvious, make a complement, say ‘bye,’ and go away.

52. You should feel comfortable about yourself

Sometimes a shy and introverted person does not feel confidence in themselves and believes they do not look attractive or fashionable which causes them to be less confident. 

The reality is that if you want a solid and satisfying relationship, you must believe in yourself.

There will always be someone that likes you for who you are, so don’t strive to be someone you’re not and change.

If you think your style isn’t excellent, try wearing something you like since it will boost your confidence around your crush. 

Wear whatever you think looks best on you and for girls, keep your makeup natural and don’t overdo it. Dress to make yourself feel nice not only to catch their eye. 

If your crush decides to go out with you, he or she will discover that you are not the person you showed him or her.

And you will be anxious to pretend to be someone else with whom the person would never fall in love. 

As a result, do things for yourself rather than for the sake of your companion.

53. Ask your friends about your expressions in front of your crush

Determine how you appear when you’re near your crush, and you could even ask some of your friends how you feel when you’re around them. When you approach them, does your face grow bright red? 

Is your body shaking? Is your heart skipping a beat? Does your body feel ill, cold or warm all of a sudden?

You might ask your friends to give you a status update every time you’re near, close to, or around them.

54. Don’t get awkward in front of your crush, focus on something else

Whenever you come across your crush, whether in a store, at school with friends or by yourself, or anywhere else, keep cool and focus your attention on something else.

You should even look at something else to take your mind off that person. Assume you had homework. 

Consider it and check if you accomplished it correctly. If you’re in a store, you may just explore the aisles and decide what you want to buy. 

And if you’re among friends, don’t glance at them; instead, keep your cool and converse while paying close attention to what they’re saying.

Act as though they aren’t even present. You’ll gradually begin to get over your shyness.

55. Preparation is essential

You can have the same conversation at a party over and over again. Hit up one or two people at a time and repeat the same basic manners and platitudes until you’ve mastered it and are practically sick. 

Then return to the ones you had the most fun conversing with. Then you may focus on a genuine dialogue.

Begin immediately with each chat lasting only a few minutes. This will relieve some of your stress and perhaps make you less frightened.

After all, the finish is just 120 seconds away so it’s not that scary. 

Then you can devote your time and efforts to individuals with whom you want to be friends. It truly is the best use of your time and resources!

56. Visualize your achievement 

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a circumstance where you could be shy. Consider being confident in your mind’s eye. Do this frequently and in a variety of scenarios. 

This is most beneficial if done on a daily basis, preferably in the morning. It may seem stupid, yet athletes utilise visualisation to improve their skills, so why shouldn’t you?

Involve all of your senses to make it feel as real as possible. Consider how you would feel if you were joyful and at ease.

What does your voice sound like? What exactly are you doing? That way, you’ll be ready when the time comes.

57. Maintain proper posture 

Standing tall conveys to the world that you are self-assured and open to new experiences.

We are often treated according to how we feel, so if you are open and friendly then your body will reflect that. Body trumps matter! 

This will also deceive your brain. According to research, proper posture (head held high, shoulders back, and open arms) helps us feel authoritative, confident and on top of that, it minimizes stress.

And you didn’t even need any more justifications!

58. Experiment with stepping outside of your comfort zone

All progress occurs outside of your comfort zone! You can work towards this by setting minor goals.

For example, your weekly aim could be to make a point in a meeting. The only way to progress is to force yourself to take measures that make you nervous.

These objectives do not have to be limited to work-related scenarios. Outside of work, you can extend your horizons. Running a marathon for charity.

This is a difficult task to achieve. This will allow you to meet like-minded people along the way, increase your confidence in another area and give you something to talk about back at the office!

59. Don’t concentrate on your faults instead let them go

Did you stumble on the phone or send an email that contained an error? Don’t overthink these mistakes! These minor errors happen to everyone; it does not imply that you are unable to communicate properly.

Consider these mishaps to be learning opportunities. Instead of wasting time and energy worrying about a past error and focus on how you will enhance your communication abilities in the future.

What has been done, learn from it and go on.

60. Talk more and more to people

Participate in some activities that interest you. Participating in social activities will result in more interaction with people from various backgrounds.

Communicating with others will help you overcome your shyness.

Communication will boost your self-esteem and teach you how to interact with strangers.

This experience can teach you how to overcome shyness in a conversation with a girl and become more confident in a conversation.

Do not be afraid to speak in front of a large group of people, and express your emotions with confidence.

Socialize as much as possible and you will learn to overcome your shyness with time.

How to Turn Your Shyness into a Strength

Many people wish to overcome their shyness. On the other hand, people who are naturally shy have gifts that they may not recognise in themselves. 

For example, because shy people prefer to listen rather than speak, they can sometimes become excellent listeners (and what friend doesn’t appreciate that?!).

Shy people may become sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others. 

Many people with a shy personality are especially caring toward others and interested in how others feel because of their sensitivity and listening skills.

They are frequently regarded as the best of friends.

Of course, some people want to feel less shy so they can enjoy socializing and being themselves in front of others. If you’re trying to overcome your shyness, keep these things in mind:

1. It takes practice to overcome shyness 

Shy people tend to give themselves fewer opportunities to practise social behaviors. 

It’s no surprise that people who avoid social situations don’t feel as socially confident as those who are outgoing — they’ve had less practice! 

The more you practise social behaviors, the easier they will become and the more natural they will feel to you.

2. Take small, careful steps forward 

It’s fine to take it slowly. However, proceed with caution. 

Stepping away from situations that may cause you to feel shy can reinforce your shyness and keep it at a level that is difficult to overcome.

Increase your confidence by taking one small step forward at a time.

3. It’s perfectly normal to feel awkward 

Everyone does it at times. Shy people are often afraid of feeling awkward or uncomfortable. But don’t let that stop you from going after your dreams. 

You may feel awkward approaching your crush and asking for a first date. That is entirely natural. You have no control over whether your crush says yes — or no.

 But if you don’t ask, you’ll never get that date. So go ahead and do it!

4. Accept that you are able to complete the task 

Many people learn to deal with their shyness. Know that you can too. Work on yourself and appreciate yourself for doing good things. 

A word from ThePleasantRelationship

Essentially, the keys to successfully overcoming shyness are courage, determination and self-love. 

It’s also critical that you recognise the serious consequences of your lack of confidence on yourself and those around you. 

Never forget that in order to have the ability to change, you must first be willing to try. To become a more confident and stronger person, you will have to face your fears and many challenges.

Most importantly, you must believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. You can be and do whatever you want because it’s your life and you have control over it.

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