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17 Best-Known Tips On How to Be Enough for Someone

17 Best-Known Tips On How to Be Enough for Someone

Updated on Sep 11, 2023

Reviewed by Julianne Cantarella, MSW, LSW , Certified Relationship Coach

17 Best-Known Tips On How to Be Enough for Someone

Sometimes insecurities and apprehensions about your life can make you feel lesser in front of your partner. You may start to think negatively that you’re not on par with them. Your self-worth may prompt the question ‘How to be enough for someone’ you deeply love and care for? 

Here we bring you some actionable tips that you can incorporate into your everyday life and feel worthy of yourself and your partner.

How To Be Enough for Someone

To be enough for someone means to meet their emotional, mental, and physical needs in a fulfilling and satisfactory manner. It goes beyond surface-level validation and requires a deep connection built on mutual respect, understanding, and support. 

When you are emotionally enough for someone, it means you are making yourself available during both joyous and challenging times, providing comfort and empathy. It means actively listening and validating their feelings without judgment. It also entails being emotionally available and vulnerable, allowing trust to flourish.

At times, being mentally enough means engaging in stimulating conversations and sharing common interests. It involves being a source of inspiration for the other person. You can encourage their personal growth, and support their aspirations in various ways. 

Moreover, physically, being enough is all about expressing affection, intimacy, and care. It involves showing appreciation for their unique qualities and making them feel valued and desired.

Being enough for someone is not about perfection but about being genuine and authentic in the relationship. It’s about recognizing each other’s flaws and accepting them with unconditional love. 

Ultimately, being enough for someone requires effort, communication, and a genuine desire to make the other person feel cherished and loved in a way that is meaningful to them. It is about creating a bond that withstands the test of time, nurturing a deep sense of connection and belonging in each other’s lives.

Am I Not Worthy Of Him or Her? (Reasons to look into)

Experiencing a sense of inadequacy in the presence of someone you love can have far-reaching consequences on your life. Not only does it create tension in your relationship, but it may also spill over into other areas, like your professional life. 

The constant feelings of not being enough for the other person can undermine your self-worth. Your partnership and love life takes a back seat instantly without you realizing it pretty delayed. 

When the persistent question of how to be enough for your partner arises, it’s crucial to introspect and consider ways to bring about positive changes. There are some key reasons that can bring around these feelings of inadequacy such as – 

  • Self-doubt – Your critical mindset tells you that you are not enough and the relationship is not the way it should be.
  • Accomplishments of your partner – If your partner is more successful than you, you feel insecure about your worth; even if he/she is not the one pointing out to you about these pitfalls. You may worry about your partner leaving you, or they may search for greener pastures in other ways. These implants cause more self-doubt leading to poor self-worth.
  • Childhood trauma – certain negative experiences and fear-filled childhood memories can make you feel inadequate. Maybe your attachment with your parents was less loving and this led to more feelings of insecurity in you. In adulthood, you’re still carrying an emotional baggage of pain and apprehensions all the time.
  • Partner is spending time away from you – This is a potent reason that makes you think about how to be enough for someone you love. If you find your partner spending time elsewhere; or giving excuses about his or her availability, you may start thinking that they don’t love you because you’re not enough for them. The feeling could just be an apprehension and not a reality at all but your fear overpowers you and stops you from seeing things rationally.
  • Your sex life is not adequate these days. This can prompt you to think differently about your worth.
  • Your support system is breaking off from you. Maybe, your lack of availability for your family members and friends made them believe that you don’t need them any longer. Therefore, they are less available to you as well.

17 Tips on How to be Enough for Someone and Feel Good about Yourself

Discovering how to become worthy of someone is simpler than you may imagine. By implementing straightforward adjustments in your life, you can enhance your self-esteem and feel more deserving of that special someone.

1. Say ‘no’ to Negative Self-talk

It is crucial to shift your focus away from negative self-talk and embrace a more positive outlook if you want to be enough for someone. Negative self-talk often involves unfounded concerns, like suspecting your partner of infidelity when they work late or worrying that they’ll stop loving you due to a slight change in appearance, such as gaining a few extra pounds. 

Instead of dwelling on these negative assumptions, strive to cultivate a mindset that promotes positivity and trust in your relationship. Communication and understanding play essential roles in fostering a healthier perspective and maintaining a strong connection with your partner.

2. Develop Strong Communication Skills: 

Effective communication fosters understanding and emotional connection. Listening attentively and expressing yourself openly builds trust and strengthens relationships. If you wish to feel enough for your partner, try to be open-minded and share both joys and sorrows, concerns and worries with them openly, and also be there to listen to what they have to share with them.

Engage in active listening by giving your full attention when they speak. This demonstrates that you value what they have to say and are genuinely interested in their thoughts and feelings.

3. Set Realistic Expectations

Understand that perfection is unattainable. Instead, strive to be the best version of yourself while acknowledging your imperfections, which makes you relatable and authentic.

Demonstrate a commitment to personal development. It will improve your self-worth. Continually seeking growth and improvement shows that you are invested in becoming a better partner.

4. Show Empathy and Understanding 

To become enough for someone, it is vital that you know the art of showing love and kindness to your partner. Be attuned to the emotions of others and show genuine empathy whenever your partner is facing struggles in life. Empathetic responses create a supportive and caring environment in any relationship. 

They will also feel loved and understood in the bonding. You should also recognize and respect the boundaries of the person you care about. Give them space when needed and never pressure them to compromise their values or comfort levels

5. Accept and Respect Differences

Embrace and appreciate the unique qualities and differences between you and your partner. Understanding that everyone is different can lead to a more harmonious and accepting relationship. Do not try to change them as per your wishes and whims; instead, support the individual qualities that make them unique. 

6. Inquire About Your Partner’s Needs

At times, you may contemplate what you could do differently so that your partner is happy and you feel enough for him or her. Ask them what they require from you and, in turn, express your own needs to them. 

Though it might be daunting, this honest communication will pave the way for a deeper understanding and both of you will be able to know each other’s requirements from the bonding in a better way.

7. Take Care of Your Own Well-Being 

Prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy balance in your life. Being emotionally and physically well allows you to contribute positively to the relationship. If you are tired and feeling overwhelmed because of certain issues, speak about them openly with your partner. 

Make sure that you don’t expect the other person to read your needs all the time. Only if you are physically good and emotionally strong, will you feel good enough for the other person living with you.

8. Be Open to Compromise

In any relationship, compromise is essential. Be willing to find a middle ground and make sacrifices when necessary to create a harmonious partnership. Then only your partner will realize your contributions and you will feel enough for yourself.

9. Express Appreciation and Gratitude

Regularly express your gratitude for the person’s presence in your life and the positive impact they have. Small gestures of appreciation can go a long way in making someone feel valued. This is important in any intimate bonding so that none of you can take the other person for granted and feel equal in the relationship.

10. Reflect on the Meaning of “Enough”

Have you ever found yourself asking, “Why do I feel inadequate for my partner?” This is a significant question that needs to be explored. Are there any particular criteria that will make you feel sufficient in your partner’s eyes? 

Is it when they want to spend every moment together, or when they take the next step in the relationship? Identifying what “enough” truly means to you will empower you to make the necessary positive changes.

11. Set and Conquer Challenges

When you set and work on personal challenges, you can alleviate concerns about your partner’s feelings. Each accomplishment not only brings a sense of achievement but also boosts your self-confidence. 

Consider pursuing long-desired aspirations, such as completing a marathon or enrolling in a cooking class, and take steps towards achieving them. Think something outside of the relationship and start doing side hustles that can boost your self-esteem by achieving small success stories with a lot of happy content.

12. Release the Hold of the Past

Whether it’s unresolved childhood traumas or past negative experiences in adulthood, it’s essential to let go of the hold they have on you. Recognize that your current partner is not responsible for the actions of those who hurt you before. 

Understanding how your past influences your future can help you release its grip on your present. If needed, seeking support from a therapist can aid you in working through these issues.

13. Embrace Your Imperfections

It’s crucial to differentiate between obsessing over your flaws and embracing them. Not everyone can fit society’s standards of a successful model or be the world’s most intelligent person.

Learn to embrace your unique imperfections and flaws. Recognize that each one of us has flaws that have shaped our unique personalities. Learn that your partner has to understand you the way you are. Embracing your authentic self will strengthen your bond and boost your self-confidence.

14. Start writing a journal

Journaling is a straightforward and effective practice. Sometimes, we may inadvertently overwhelm our partners by bombarding them with our daily thoughts and emotions, which could cause them to distance themselves. 

To address this, maintaining a journal allows us to unload our feelings before reconnecting with our partner.

15. Build your confidence

To enhance your relationship and personal well-being, shift the focus from your partner’s feelings to your own. Concentrate on building your confidence and feeling self-assured. 

Engage in activities that boost your self-esteem, such as joining a gym, participating in a book club, or making new friends. Remember that you need to strengthen the person within you; then only you’ll feel enough for someone else.

16. Start loving yourself thoroughly

Learning to love yourself is pivotal in feeling content with who you are living with and in improving your relationship with your partner. Abandon the habit of comparing yourself to others or dwelling on past issues. 

Instead, embrace self-love and acceptance, appreciating every aspect of yourself. Remember the profound truth that you cannot expect someone else to love you fully until you love yourself first.

17. Understand that each person adds unique value to life

Stop comparing yourself to others, as you can’t be everything to anyone, but that’s okay. Everyone has inherent worth and a role to play. Embrace your strengths; you might enjoy surprising people or helping with IT issues. Whatever you offer is enough. Be yourself and do your best.

Summing Up from ‘ThePleasantRelationship’

Being enough for someone requires embracing your authentic self. Cultivate self-love, acceptance, and confidence in your abilities. Understand that you can’t be everything to everyone, but by being genuine, kind, and supportive, you can create meaningful bonding with the other person.

Recognize that true compatibility arises from mutual appreciation and shared values. Embrace imperfections and be open to growth, as relationships flourish when both partners nurture each other’s uniqueness.