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How To Progress From Dating To Relationship? 20 Simple Tips To Grow Closer

How To Progress From Dating To Relationship? 20 Simple Tips To Grow Closer

Updated on Jan 15, 2024

How To Progress From Dating To Relationship 20 Simple Tips To Grow Closer

Are you looking for a guide on how to progress from dating to relationship

You’ve been dating this wonderful person and you can’t wait to go exclusive. You feel you’ve had enough time to know them and think you’re perfect for each other.

However, if you’re confused about how to bring up this topic, don’t worry! Keep reading to make your desire come true!

How To Progress From Dating To Relationship? – 20 Tips

The progress from dating to a committed relationship can be challenging. After all, some individuals feel more comfortable in the casual dating stage. You feel awkward and shy because what if they think you’re too eager or pushy?

While that might be a possibility, you shouldn’t ignore your own feelings. So, let’s explore the key steps to pave the way for a meaningful relationship.

1. Understand what’s a relationship to you

Identify the most important aspects of a relationship to you, whether it’s commitment, communication, shared interests, or other factors. 

It will help set healthy boundaries and ensure you’re in a relationship that fulfills your needs and respects your limits.

Be open to compromise and adapt as the relationship progresses, as your wants and needs may evolve.

2. Think how long you’ve dated them

Time lets you know your partner better and understand their values, habits, and how compatible you are. A longer dating period can help build trust and a strong foundation for a more serious commitment.

Talk to your partner about your feelings and thoughts regarding the relationship’s progress if you have been dating for a few months. Discuss if you both feel it’s the right time. If yes, think about introducing your friends and family to each other.

3. Evaluate how they measure up to your ideal

Compare your partner to your ideal type regarding values, goals, and qualities. Be honest about both strengths and areas of incompatibility.

If there are differences, discuss whether there’s room for growth or adaptation. Assess how well your partner aligns with your ideal partner.

If there are any deal breakers, think whether it’s a good idea to get serious. If there’s no deal breaker, but they aren’t completely your ideal type, that’s a good sign. No person is perfect, after all!

4. Check for mutual feelings

Look for signs that your partner is into you as well. It’s important that both you and your partner have a genuine interest in each other for a relationship to work. 

Do they consistently make time for you, prioritize your needs, and show affection? Observe non-verbal cues like physical touch and body language.

If your partner consistently shows interest and invests time and effort into the relationship, it’s a positive sign of their feelings.

5. Spend more quality time together

Continue going on dates, but consider activities that allow longer and more meaningful interactions. 

But remember, it’s not just about the time spent but the quality of interactions. It helps you learn more about your partner’s personality, habits, and values, which is crucial for a lasting relationship.

6. Shower them with compliments

Positive feedback and genuine compliments strengthen the emotional connection between you and your partner. 

Focus on things you truly appreciate about your partner, like their actions and qualities.

7. Set boundaries

Discuss your boundaries with your partner openly, honestly, and non-confrontationally. Enforce your boundaries consistently. 

If you’ve set a boundary, stick to it and ensure your partner does the same. Be open to negotiation regarding certain boundaries, but maintain your non-negotiable.

8. Prefer calls over texting

Phone calls allow more meaningful conversations than texting. In texting, you can’t convey emotions and tone properly. 

So, set aside specific times for phone calls. This way, you both have a chance to have focused conversations.

However, respect your partner’s communication preferences. Some people may prefer texting at times. Ensure that your partner is comfortable with phone calls and respects their boundaries.

9. Plan creative and memorable dates

Create lasting memories and shared experiences with exceptional dates and strengthen your bond. Plan dates that cater to your partner’s interests and preferences. Show that you’ve been paying attention to their likes and dislikes.

Mix up your date ideas, including activities like fine dining, adventurous outings, cultural events, and cozy evenings at home.

10. Show them you care

To build trust and make your partner feel secure in the relationship, show that you care about their well-being and the relationship’s future. Express your feelings openly. 

Pay attention when your partner talks and actively listen to their concerns, joys, and thoughts. Show your care through acts of kindness. Do something thoughtful for them or offer support.

Simple gestures like sending a sweet message, complementing, or remembering important dates can go a long way.

11. Make compromises

Seek common ground and areas where both partners can agree and make mutual concessions. Be flexible and willing to adjust your expectations or preferences to accommodate your partner’s needs. 

Look for solutions that benefit you both rather than one person having to give up something significant. 

12. Invite them to meet your family and friends

Organize social gatherings or events where your partner can meet your friends and family in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. It builds trust and shows you’re willing to connect them to your important people.

Pick an appropriate time to make the introductions. It should feel like a natural step in the relationship’s progression. Brief your friends and family about your partner to make the introduction smoother.

13. Be willing to go the extra mile

Go the extra mile when you show acts of kindness and thoughtfulness. This can be as simple as surprising your partner with their favorite treat or helping them when needed. Show your partner you’re deeply committed and willing to invest effort.

14. Discuss exclusive relationships carefully

Approach conversations about going exclusive calmly and respectfully. Avoid pressure or ultimatums. Share your feelings and intentions honestly. Explain why exclusivity is important to you.

Seek a mutual agreement or understanding. If both of you are ready for exclusivity, define what it means to you. 

Sometimes, a partner may need time to think before committing to exclusivity. Be understanding and allow them space for reflection.

15. Look for green flags

Check for green flags to understand whether this relationship will work out. Answer the following questions to know it:

  • Can you both talk about your feelings, concerns, and expectations?
  • Does your partner respect your boundaries, opinions, and values? 
  • Do they treat you with kindness and consideration?
  • Do they provide emotional support?
  • Are they consistent in their actions and words?
  • Are they always there for you during good and challenging times? 
  • Are they trustworthy and honest?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, this relationship has great potential.

16. Pay attention to red flags

Watch for manipulative behaviors, such as gaslighting, guilt-tripping, or control tactics. If your partner isolates you from friends and family or tries to control your social connections, it’s a red flag.

If something feels off or makes you uncomfortable, take it seriously. Don’t cover up for their flaws. Think wisely before you make the final decision.

17. Work on your communication and conflict-resolving skills

Evaluate whether your communication is consistent over time. Can you maintain a healthy and open dialogue as the relationship progresses?

Gauge how well you handle disagreements and conflicts, as this is a key aspect of a successful relationship. 

Wait until you both can discuss and resolve issues respectfully and constructively. Work on your communication skills and conflict resolution skills together to turn it into a serious relationship.

18. Open up and encourage your partner to do the same

Don’t shy away from expressing your emotions and vulnerability. Let your partner know what’s on your mind. Discuss your life experiences, both positive and negative, that have shaped you. 

Use open-ended questions to encourage your partner to share more deeply and thoughtfully. Listen actively to them without judgment or interruption. Show empathy and understanding. 

19. Remember you have a life outside the relationship as well

Engage in activities, hobbies, and interests that are important to you. Encourage your partner to do the same. Continue to focus on your career and personal goals and ensure you prioritize them alongside the relationship. 

Invest time in self-care and well-being by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

20. Make sure you’re both OFF the market when things get serious

Sometimes, couples transition from dating to exclusive relationship territories. But they forget to delete their dating profiles. This can lead to misunderstandings if other people find your profiles online and snitch on you. 

So, when you define your relationship, make sure you have a conversation about this. Delete your profiles and uninstall dating and hookup apps. 

A word from ThePleasantRelationship

Remember not to try all these tips in a single go. You need time to convey your feelings and test the waters. If both of you are on the same page, you will begin your relationship phase real soon. But be patient!

However, if your partner doesn’t respond positively even after you give them enough time and effort, know that it’s time to move on. Know your worth and don’t settle for less!