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What Not To Do In A Long Distance Relationship? – 15 Things Your Relationship Is Better Without

What Not To Do In A Long Distance Relationship? – 15 Things Your Relationship Is Better Without

Updated on Sep 04, 2023

What Not To Do In A Long Distance Relationship - 15 Things Your Relationship Is Better Without

You must know about what not to do in a long distance relationship – to make your bond work out through the test of time. 

In long distance, even the slightest of wrong actions can make you misunderstand and give up. However, if you let the fear of breakups overwhelm you, you won’t have any way to build a successful bond. 

So, head right in to get the right guidance!

What Not To Do In A Long-Distance Relationship? – 15 Things To Remember

Long-distance relationships are hard. You don’t see each other or feel the embrace of warm hugs. Doubtful thoughts are bound to seep into the heart in this situation. If you don’t take active steps to work on your connection, it can crumble in no time!

But you can save the beautiful bond you made just by avoiding the worst pitfalls. So, dive right in to know those…

1. Don’t hide your feelings 

In a long-distance relationship, open communication is crucial to maintain a strong connection. To build trust and understanding, honestly share your emotions, concerns, and thoughts. 

Use video calls, texts, and calls to express yourself and actively listen to your partner’s feelings. Transparency helps both of you navigate challenges and celebrate joy together.

2. Never judge your relationship

Stop judging your long-distance relationship based on others’ opinions. This can be misleading, as every relationship is unique. 

Remember, outsiders may not fully understand your dynamic. Focus on your own experiences and feelings with your partner. 

Trust your instincts and evaluate the relationship based on your efforts, how it makes you feel, and your connection. 

Seek advice when needed, but prioritize your understanding of the relationship.

3. Avoid letting the relationship control your life

Establish clear boundaries for when you’ll communicate and how often. Stick to a schedule to prevent the relationship from becoming all-consuming. Make time for your partner while dedicating time to other aspects of your life. 

Discuss your individual needs and expectations with your partner. Understand how much time you can dedicate to the relationship without neglecting other areas of your life. 

Maintain your independence and avoid making decisions solely based on the relationship. Make choices that are best for you.

Maintain a strong social network by spending time with friends and family. This helps prevent isolation and keeps you connected to your support system. Remember that the relationship isn’t your entire life.

4. Refrain from being unresponsive

Lack of response can be misconstrued as disinterest or neglect, causing unnecessary worry or hurt feelings. 

Agree with your partner on how often you’ll communicate and what methods you’ll use. This ensures you’re on the same page.

If you may become busy or unavailable for a while, inform your partner beforehand. Transparency prevents misunderstandings. Let your partner know that you value their messages and time.

5. Do away with dishonesty 

Trust is crucial for any healthy relationship. And dishonesty damages, especially when physical proximity is limited. 

Communicate openly and honestly about your feelings, experiences, and thoughts. Share both positive and challenging aspects of your life.

If you make a mistake or a wrong decision, admit it to your partner. Honesty in difficult situations can strengthen the bond. Even seemingly harmless lies can escalate into bigger issues. Be truthful in all matters, big or small.

6. Get rid of complacency

Complacency makes you act so self-satisfied that you stop trying enough for your partner. It leads to decreased interest and enthusiasm, causing the relationship to stagnate. 

Introduce variety into your interactions with new activities, virtual dates, or new topics. To keep the romance alive, send surprise gifts, letters, or messages to remind your partner of your love. 

Regularly reflect on the relationship’s progress and discuss areas where you both can improve and grow.

7. Stop the overthinking

Overthinking makes you imagine worst-case scenarios. Though those are unlikely to happen, it makes you worry. So, if something concerns you, talk to your partner about it. 

When negative thoughts arise, question their validity and replace them with positive or neutral alternatives. Keep yourself busy with hobbies, work, or socializing to divert your mind from overthinking.

8. Get rid of jealousy

Jealousy leads to arguments, insecurity, and emotional distress. It negatively affects both partners’ well-being. 

So, focus on building and maintaining trust. Remind yourself of your partner’s commitment and past actions that demonstrate loyalty.

Share your insecurities and concerns, and work together to address them. Set clear boundaries for interactions with friends of the opposite sex or other potential sources of jealousy. 

Work on your self-confidence and self-worth. A sense of security can reduce these bitter feelings.

10. Don’t lose self-control during emotional moments

Self-control shows your commitment to the relationship and ability to handle challenges. Take a moment to collect your thoughts before responding to emotional situations. This prevents impulsive reactions.

Put yourself in your partner’s shoes to better understand their perspective and avoid jumping to conclusions. Talk to friends or a therapist about your emotions to gain perspective and advice on managing them.

11. Never take your partner for granted

Taking your partner for granted makes them feel unappreciated and undervalued. So, regularly express gratitude for their efforts in the relationship. Acknowledge their time, affection, and support.

Celebrate special occasions and milestones, even from a distance, to show that you value the relationship. Continuously show genuine interest in your partner’s life, dreams, and aspirations. Ask about their day and listen actively.

Plan surprises or thoughtful gestures to keep the relationship exciting and show your commitment. 

Understand that both of you have separate lives and commitments. Patience prevents unrealistic expectations.

12. Never create a bigger distance after an argument

Distance after an argument can lead to emotional detachment. It makes reconnecting and resolving the issue harder. 

Give both yourself and your partner time to cool off after fights. Emotions can run high, so take a breather to think more clearly.

After calming down, initiate a conversation to address the issue. Take responsibility for your role in the argument and express an understanding of your partner’s point of view.

If you were at fault, offer a sincere apology to show that you value the relationship and want to move forward.

13. Avoid making your partner feel guilty for living their life

Guilt hinders open and honest communication. If your partner feels guilty, they’ll hesitate to share their experiences or feelings. 

So, support your partner’s pursuits and interests. Encourage them to have a life beyond the relationship. 

14. Never let your partner doubt your love

Be transparent about your emotions and intentions. Let your actions align with your words. Show through your behavior that your partner is a priority in your life. 

Pay attention to your partner’s concerns, feelings, and needs. Show empathy and support in times of difficulty.

15. Steer clear from threatening your partner 

Threats break down trust and create a toxic atmosphere. It doesn’t let a relationship thrive. When disagreements or conflicts arise, don’t threaten your partner about breaking up.

The moment you start giving such ultimatums, the relationship ends completely!

A word from ThePleasantRelationship

In a long-distance relationship, if you avoid these few things, you’ll see a noticeable difference. Both of you will feel more satisfied in the relationship. 

Though it won’t reduce your longing for each other, things will be much more bearable. Because these steps will convey your truest feelings and bind you in a warm and loving relationship!

Are you interested to know more about ‘Reasons Why Long-Distance Relationships Don’t Work’ then click here?