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200+ Wedding Vows to Make Your Spouse Feel Special [and How To Write Your Own]

200+ Wedding Vows to Make Your Spouse Feel Special [and How To Write Your Own]

Updated on Sep 28, 2023

Reviewed by Julianne Cantarella, MSW, LSW , Certified Relationship Coach

200+ Wedding Vows to Make Your Spouse Feel Special

Looking for wedding vows? Wonder if I hear the wedding bells chime?

Dear Bride/Groom-to-be,

If you want something extraordinary on your big day, good job reaching the perfect place! Because in this think-piece, you’ll definitely find the best promises to make to your special one.

Your wedding vows can form the core of your wedding day and the foundation of your remaining life. So, I covered every possible tradition, religion, family circumstances, and even emotion.

Find or even make your special vows with everything available.

And hey, there’s no right or wrong way to make everlasting promises, as long as you reach your partner’s heart!

So, without any delay, let’s hop in…

Wedding Vows Infographics

Wedding Vows - Definition & Tips To Write It
Wedding Vows – Definition & Tips To Write It
Questions to ask to create your own Wedding Vows
Questions to ask to create your own Wedding Vows

What Are Wedding Vows?

During wedding ceremonies, the to-be-wedded couple makes promises called wedding vows to one another. Wedding vows are usually made in the presence of a religious priest.

However, there are other important elements like religious textbooks, fire, etc. Vows, though common in western culture, aren’t compulsory in many lawful jurisdictions.

Traditional Wedding Vows

In this vast world, there are diverse cultures, races, and faiths… each of them has different traditions. Each has distinct wedding vows to mark their traditions.

Some make their Gods a witness, others prioritize the natural elements. So, let’s immerse ourselves in the diverse traditions here…

Basic Protestant Wedding Vows

The second greatest section of Christianity is Protestantism. This section is quite abundant as the protestant followers again subdivided themselves into diverse sub-sections.

Usually, the basic protestant vows include the traditional ring ceremony and even unity candle lighting. These are the most well-known when people talk about vows.

Though simple and most familiar, many still confuse the flow of the words. So, choose the vow that slips from your tongue like honey and implies the deepest in your bond.

If you fear making mistakes, ask your priest to perform a read-and-repeat form of vows.

1. I, <name>, take thee, <name>, as my loving and faithful husband/wife, for richer, for poorer, in joy and sorrow, for better, for worse, till death do us apart, as per God’s holy decree. I solemnly vow you my loyalty and myself to you.

2. I, <name>, accept thee, <name>, to be my lawful spouse from today and every day from now, in good times and in bad times, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in darkness and light. This is my solemn vow to be faithful to you, till death do us part.

3. Before God, I, <name>, take thee, <name>, as my wedded wife/husband,  for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, to have and to hold, until death does us apart.  I promise to love you and spend the rest of my life with you.

4. In the presence of God, I, <name>, take thee, <name>, my equal partner as a spouse, to love, respect, and honor you, to comfort and to keep you safe, to have and to hold from this day till forever do us part. I sincerely promise to support and share my life with you.

Episcopalian Wedding Vows

A subsection of “Protestantism, yet Catholicism”… usually practices the call-and-response form of vows where an officiant asks the bride and groom if they agree to stay loyal, love, respect, and honor. The bride and groom only answer in “I do”.

However, you can reform the style to say your vows yourself, not simply respond. This can help you feel more emotionally involved in your wedding. Since traditional vows always stick to certain elements and phrases, incorporate them to respect your traditions.

5. In God’s name, I, <name>, take thee, <name>, as my wife/husband to encourage, to understand, for a mutual bond, for child procreation, to nurture you physically and spiritually, forever till we’re death tears us apart. This is my heartfelt promise to cherish you beyond eternity.

6. Before the Almighty, I, <name>, promise you, <name>, the position of my wedded spouse, in sickness, in health, for better or the worse, to be a faithful and loving spouse till my last breath, till my last heartbeat. I promise to protect and love you until forever.

7. In front of God, our family, and friends, I, <name>, promise you, <name>,  my beloved husband/wife from this moment to conduct myself well towards you in happiness, in grief, in all possible circumstances. I pledge to love, respect, and cherish you until eternity.

8. In God’s and our loved one’s presence, I, <name>,  promise thee,<name>,  as my spouse, with clear comprehension that a wedding is an eternal bond, and must be taken seriously, to love and cherish you, to support you through tough times. This is my sacred vow to you.

Methodist Wedding Vows

The Methodist beliefs are a protestant sub-division that projects the essential orthodox Christianity faith. Methodists too have the classic call-and-response vow style. Further, the bride and groom can also say their own wedding vows.

They are very open about the trend of saying your vows yourself. Their vows usually include God’s name as their greatest witness. Methodist weddings are long as they include a wedding prayer beside the Lord’s Prayer.

The priest also blesses the couple with a special prayer just before the Lord’s Prayer.

9. I take thee, <name> as my husband/wife-to-be from this day and moment onwards, to unite with you, share everything I receive in my life, and promise to be faithful to you. I promise to stay faithful to you, God’s child, from now until forever, till death do us part.

10. I accept you, <name>, to be my wife/husband, in presence of God and everyone else present in our wedding ceremony, to be a loving and loyal husband/wife, till the moment we both exist. I promise you my respect, love, sincerity, and tenderness until then.

11. Before the Invincible and everyone present, I, <name>, pledge to thee, <name>, as a husband/wife so long we both breathe, to love, support, and cherish you with my all. Life may bring us many happy and sad circumstances, but I shall give thee a loving life forever.

12. Officiant: Do you, <name>, take this man/woman, <name>, as your husband/wife, to breathe, eat, and exist together in holy marriage? Do you pledge to love, comfort, keep him/her in sickness and health, forsaking everyone else to stay loyal forever?

You: I do.

Presbyterian Wedding Vows

The Presbyterian weddings and the vows, though another protestant subsection, are somewhat similar to the basic ones. You and your bride/groom may choose the “I do” style or even say your own vows.

Your wedding is a special day between you and your spouse-to-be, so there’s no perfect or specified way to make vows. This is the beginning of your long journey with great ups and downs.

Focus on how beautiful/handsome your partner looks, cherish one another while accepting God’s grace on yourselves. Make the best out of this day of joining your souls.

13. I, <name>, accept you, <name>, as my wedded spouse, and covenant and pledge in God’s and the bystanders’ presence to be yours, loving, and loyal spouse – in abundance and in scarcity, in bliss and in misery, in good and in bad health, until we both exist.

14. Today onwards, I, <name>, swear to take you, <name>, as my wedded spouse – I take the holy oath of marriage in front of God and all onlookers, to love you, stay faithful, whether we have more or less, are cheerful or melancholic, until the end of forever.

15. On this holy day, I, <name>, receive you, <name>, as my one and only equal partner in life. Before God and our well-wishers, I covenant to stay loyal as your only loving spouse, in richness and in poorness, in happiness and sadness. I promise to give you whatever’s mine until we both exist.

16. Officiant: <Name>, will you have this man/woman to be your husband/wife, and will you pledge your faith to him/her, with your entirety, love, and honor, to exist with them happily. with entire responsibility, service, loyalty, and gentleness, as per God’s decree in this sacred marital union?

You: I do.

Lutheran Wedding Vows

In Lutheran weddings, couples recite poetic vows which symbolize their love, passion, and faith in one another. It’s a substitute for the regular Christian wedding vows.

Lutheran vows are perfect if you like romantic literature. It gives a traditional yet modern, conservative yet romantic vibe to your wedding.

Instead of making direct promises, you can add a splash of literature with the different elements of nature and relate with the environment.

If you both have a budding poet inside you, borrow the Lutheran vows in your non-Lutheran wedding too.

17.  <Name>, in our chosen path with one another lies several miracles. I am completely aware that marriage is not a path void of thorns, but one where we remove them and create the best path together. I commit myself as your husband/wife, until my last breath.

18. I, <name>, have complete knowledge of how the union of marriage flows. It’s not always peaceful – there’ll be harsh currents and soothing fragrant breeze – and we shall both marvel at the magical experience of love. I swear to hold on to you, <name>, through the turmoil forever.

19. <Name>, today I fulfill my wish to wed you as my wife/husband and stay honest and loyal. I shall support, care, respect, and believe you and share my life with you. I’ll forgive you as we’re forgiven, and understand our needs, God, and this world better together… through all the circumstances until death does us part.

20. <Name>, I, <name>, promise to be the cool breeze when you sweat, the water when you’re parched, your light in the dark, and your shade under the heat. Knowing well I’m no mage, I shall forever turn our life together as magical as possible. I promise my soul, heart, body, and everything I own to you forever.

Jewish Wedding Vows

Traditionally, the original Jewish vow is: Haray at mekudeshet lee beh-taba’at zo keh-dat Moshe veh-Yisrael meaning: Behold, you are consecrated to me with this ring according to the laws of Moses and Israel.

It’s a beautiful and impactful traditional vow. If you want to stick to this pretty phrase then be my guest. But you can respect your traditions with a hint of trend and passionate love.

Add more to your Jewish wedding than this. Wondering how? I’ve got the perfect way to show your love to your partner before your ruler and god Adonai here…

21. As the bystanders behold, you, < name>, are united in this holy bond of marriage with this oath and ring, as per the laws of Moses and Israel. I shall forever love and stay faithful to you, in the name of God, our friends and family, and all the creatures our God and the universal ruler – Adonai – created.

22. Our God and the Ruler of the universe blessed You, <name>, me, <name>, and all the creatures present in the garden of Eden. Thanking Adonai for blessing us in our union, I swear to take <name> as my wedded wife/husband and shall forever be loyal, loving, respectful, and supportive forever.

23. I <name>, thank God Adonai, the Universe’s ruler for creating happiness, bliss, laughter, loving pairs, songs for two souls’ union, love, supportive friends and family, desire, delight, peace, and camaraderie. On this day full of passivity, I receive <name> as my wedded comrade and will love and cherish only them forever.

24. Dear God Adonai, listen to so many souls who wish me, <name>, and <partner’s name>, the bond of a loving couple. Listen to this loving rejoicing couple’s voice and accept the feasts with our youthful songs. Receive our love to allow us this day filled with love and joy.

Eastern Orthodox Wedding Vows

In the usual traditional Eastern Orthodox weddings, the vows are completely silent. The silent prayer makes weddings unique. The vows stay personal to the bride and the groom only.

Contrarily, certain Russian wedding ceremonies include saying the vows publicly. But it completely depends on your faith and the culture which you choose.

This traditional wedding follows numerous fun and exciting rites. It just makes you all the more excited to make a special oath for your life-long special someone. Here are a few that express your heart’s deepest promises…

25. I, <name>, accept you, <name>, as my husband/wife from this day forth and I take the oath to love, respect, and honor you unconditionally, to stay loyal to you with my soul and body. And I will never neglect you for others until my last heartbeat. So, guide me through God.

26. From now I, <name>, and you, <name>, are bound by the holy union of marriage. I  swear to always stay beside you in honesty and sincerity, will help you through my all, and always have faith in you. God, one in the Holy Trinity and all the Saints, help me keep my word.

27. We, <name> and <name>, God’s loyal servants will join with one another in this sacred union of marriage, in presence of God Himself and everyone close to us and God. Please pray to the Lord so that these two servants can blissfully stay together in this eternal union.

28. Dear <partner’s name>, I <your name>, thank you for promising to choose me every day from today. I promise to grow and laugh together with you. This is my sworn oath to stay loyal, love, respect, and show you the best for the rest of my life.

Hindu Wedding Vows

In Hinduism, though different cultures or areas of India follow different rites, one thing is constant – the seven vows with the saat phere or saptha padhi.

The bride and groom walk around the sacred yagna flame seven times and make complementing promises to one another. Though, the couple hardly gets enough chances to feel romance or make their own vows.

Usually, a priest performs the read-and-repeat style of vows. The vows are usually in Sanskrit so read up on the actual meanings here with different forms of the same vows… 

29. I, the groom, Promise to care for, protect, earn abundantly, entrust my home, share important issues, stay loyal and live together with you and our children.

I, the bride, promise to take your responsibility, support you through tough times and in endeavors, efficiently use finances, help you live respectfully, stay faithful, and spend eternity with you.

30. We will nourish, protect, prosper one another and the union, grow wise, wealthy, happy with one another’s support, pray for love, wellness, a joyful year throughout with joys and sorrows, and stay together with one another’s family. We take this unbreakable oath in front of the sacred Yagna fire to bless our marriage.

31. In presence of the sacred fire, in the wedding altar, as the 33 crores of Gods and Goddesses and our loved ones witness, we promise one another the seven vows of our marriage – nourishing food, strength, enough wealth, harmony, healthy and safe children, loyalty, and everlasting companionship – in our marriage.

32. I promise the seven basic elements of our marriage – healthy food, all-encompassing power, abundant finance, peace, happy children, faith, and long-lasting union – in this sacred wedding altar before the fire that purifies us and our bond. With the blessings of our forefathers and parents, the two of us become one in soul and body.

Muslim Wedding Vows

Muslim weddings or nikkah usually take almost a week to complete all the religious steps of applying mehndi, Haldi, and many other rituals. Generally, the bride and groom aren’t allowed to meet one another since the prior week.

Also, most nikah ceremonies include a religious leader reciting dedicated lines from the Quran about marriage, then calling out the promises. The bride and groom then say qubool hai thrice to accept the union.

However, there are also some modern nikah ceremonies where the partners can make vows themselves. They swear their love in Allah, his beloved prophet (may peace be with him), and Quran’s name.

33. Bride: As per the Holy Quran’s, Holy Prophet’s – may peace and blessings shower on Him – instructions, please accept me <bride’s name> with all honesty and sincerity, to stay loyal and obedient forever.

Groom: I <groom’s name> swear in honesty and sincerity to stay a loyal and caring husband forever.

34. Priest/Imam: Do you, <name>, accept <name> as your wedded husband/wife keeping the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet’s – may peace and blessing always be on Him – and promise to love care, and seek the best for the other,

The couple: “Qubool hai, Qubool hai, Qubool hai” (I do *3)

35. Religious Leader: Marriage is a holy bond and the Holy Prophet – may He be blessed with goodness – brings you virtues. Do you both, <groom-and-bride’s name>, promise to love and cherish one another, build a warm home, and stay loyal forever?

Couple: I do * 3

36. Maulvi: On this auspicious day,<groom-and-bride’s name> will get married with the blessings of their parents and loved ones. Keeping the Holy Quran as your witness, and in the name of the Holy Prophet – may he be always blessed – accept one another as your wedded husband and wife?

Couple: I do * 3

Non-Denominational Wedding Vows

Traditions and religion were mostly intermingled since ancient times… but not always. Non-denominational weddings are the same, they stick to tradition and skip God’s name.

Since they don’t adhere to a specific religion, it gives a couple more space to express their love and devotion in the vows. Some add varied modern elements, others simply omit God’s name in the vows.

It’s a beautiful and delicate way to confess your love in a simple yet heart-touching manner. This is the perfect vow if you want to keep religion out of your wedding matters.

37. I, <name>, commit to you, <name>, as a husband/wife, to absorb all goodness and become a better person with and for you. I will love, respect, and honor you as my equal in my household, finances, and my life from this day onward.

38. Today I, <name>, tie the wedding knots with you, <name>, with complete knowledge of what the future may hold. I will stand beside you in misery and joy when you’re drowsy and powerful… I will be your support through thick and thin, forever and after.

39. Every day, the sun rises and sets, every year, the seasons change from soothing warmth to frosty winters. I, <name>, cannot promise you, <name>, a merry life forever, for it’s not in my hand… but I will love you with my best forever.

40. I, <name>, am beyond rejoiced to tie this holy knot with you, <name>. We might fear losing everything from endless pressure in our way. So, we tie a fisherman’s knot to grow stronger with pressure and love you more after every disaster.

Baptist Wedding Vows

Another section of Christianity with American roots is Baptist. These mostly use wedding vows in the bible and stress the process of Baptism more.

The entire ceremony focuses on the new and old testament hymns and verses. The rituals include many steps of Baptism but mostly the vows are similar to any other section of Christianity.  

Also, the bride and groom in Baptist weddings don’t follow the call-and-response vows with “I do”, instead they mark their union with “I will”.

Otherwise, the wedding follows a call-and-repeat vow style.

41. Officiant: Will you, <name>, accept <name> as your spouse? Do you vow to love, comfort, and protect him/her and stay true to them forsaking anybody else as long as you live? Do you promise to fall in love with one another all over every day?

Couple: I will.

42. I, <name>, receive thee, <name>, as my husband/wife, before God and our loved ones as witnesses. I take the oath to stay true and loyal to you despite the distractions in my life. You will be my one and only today and every day from now on.

43. Before God, I, <name>, take the solemn vow to take thee, <name>, to unite with them as my husband/wife, to stand by your side for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, for the rest of our lives, so long I breathe in this world.

44. I, <name>, feel blessed and glad to accept you, <name>, in this sacred union of marriage in the presence of our loved ones, our Reverend, and above all our Father in heaven. I vow to promise to love you through whatever life may bring us before the witnesses.

Celtic Wedding Vows

Another traditional wedding which focuses on poetical vows. The Celtic tradition follows quite long and romantic wedding vows with a touch of Elizabethan English.

Many couples use the Celts’ vows as relationship quotes or even used them in non-Celtic weddings. Well, how can you not when the words are so down to earth and heart-melting.

Their smooth vows linger in your heart even after the ceremonies end. If you want to add a modern hint to your traditional wedding, think about adding a few quotes like these…

45.  You are my essence’s essence, my soul’s soul – the reason I live and flourish – I grant you my body two merge into one – I grant you my spirit until my spirit shall be gone. With my everything, I hope to begin a beautiful new life with you.

46. You may not have me because I own this body… but I wish to share everything that’s mine with you. You can’t order me because I’m independent… but I will be at your beck and call whenever you need me. This is my pledge to stand beside you.

47. I wish to get you the finest silk, the sweetest honey, the purest water, the cleanest air… and if not, the best love you can have anywhere. If someday I can’t give you any at all, I might soon fall. Until then, you’ll have the best of what’s mine.

48. From now on, I promise you the first spoon of food, the first sip of water, and only your name will I take when I’m ecstatic or in pain. I promise you’ll smile every morning, because and for me. I vow to cherish and honor this bond forever.

Catholic Wedding Vows

This is the largest section of Christianity in the entire world. The traditional wedding vows refer mostly to the Bible. Usually, they borrow ditto verses from the Bible to incorporate in the vows or simply read verses out of it.

Many western wedding structures resemble Catholic wedding culture. So, Catholics must strictly adhere to their tradition to highlight their religion through their vows.

Also, Catholics don’t emphasize much on the call-and-response style. They promote saying your own vows for yourself to begin your married life. Here are some ways to begin your married life…

49. I, <name>, receive you, <name>, as my lawfully wedded husband/wife from today onwards to have and hold, in good and poor health, in plenty and scarcity, through the happiness and sadness our future beholds. I swear to stay by your side until death does us part.

50. You, <name>, are my, <name>, wedded wife/husband from this remarkable day with God’s blessing and the onlookers’ good wishes. I swear to hold you through good and bad times, when you’re sick and healthy, for richer, for poorer, until I close my eyes, until our forever.

51. Dear <name>, I, <name>, receive you as my legal spouse from today, with true intentions, through a timeless journey, in happiness, and in sorrow, whether we’re sick or healthy until all of eternity exists… I pledge to stay faithful with my all and love and honor you with all I possess.

52. In God’s and our dear loved ones’ presence, promising with divine assistance, I, <name>, take you, <name>, my husband/wife. I promise in everyone’s and the Almighty’s presence, to give my love and devotion and stay faithful to you forever, in this holy union of marriage.

Viking Wedding Vows

In Viking weddings, couples take oaths in the name of the Gods from Asgard. They begin their new life with blessings from the mighty Gods Odin, Thor, and Loki. The grooms gift the brides their ancestral swords with the hopes of having a son to inherit the sword.

Back in the time, Viking weddings were usually always arranged by the young preteen couple’s parents. However, times have changed and people incorporate this tradition simply for a theme wedding or because they still practice the culture.

If you believe in Norse Gods and Goddesses, this might be your pick… 

53. Great Odin, grant us knowledge on the way of our marriage. Great Thor, bless this marriage with power and bravery. Great Loki, never rejects mirth from this union. All three Gods of Viking, let’s begin our new journey with your blessings.

54. Priest: Do you, <groom’s/bride’s name>, pledge to accept this woman/man before the great Gods on this auspicious day as your wife/husband? Couple: I pledge in the names of Odin and Frigga.

55. To everyone’s father, Odin – His Holiness – May Ragnarok visits us and fulfills his destiny. On this wedding day, on Earth, and in Asgard, may Odin’s blessings show us the right way in this marriage.

56. Father of all existence, Odin, make us firm and powerful, bless us so our swords aim the right goal in our wedded life. Bless me and my wedded partner stronger than those who may harm us, our marriage, and our family.

Pagan Wedding Vows

In Pagan weddings, a unique belief is tying the knots for the current and all the remaining lives. Pagan traditions strongly believe in reincarnations, which add a romantic touch to the wedding vows.

Another intriguing part of Pagan traditions is equality. Both partners have equal positions in the union. As you notice, multiple factors of Pagan weddings attract modern couples.

If you want to escalate the romance factor or highlight the impartiality between you and your partner, this is it…

57. Loved ones, we gathered here for I, <name> and <partner’s name>’s loving bond. We’ll join our hands in love from now till forever. After casting the circle, this will become the sacred place of this holy union. Behold as the circle is cast and two loving individuals unite with great positivity.

58. I, <name>, promise thee, <name>, eternal love, care, and respect as we join our fate in this marriage. I swear to love you endlessly as the cast of sacred circle’s promise. Life may bring us several troubles, but I swear my faith and support on this sacred circle and unity candle.

59. The infinite light of the unity candle, please bless I, <name>, and <partner’s name>, with your divine brightness on our unification. Bless our marriage with the Sun’s novelty on our soul and body, with passionate love and warmth of a home, with commitment as deep as the oceans.

60. Priest: Bless this marriage, Lord, with the Northern gifts of abundance, your lives’ solid foundation, growth, and stability from one another’s warmth. <Name> and <name> take aid from the simplest blessings to begin the new journey. Create light, strength, and energy which you deserve to last your loving bond forever.

Irish Wedding Vows

Irish weddings stick to many traditions like tying love knots around the couple’s hands. It resembles their undying bond with one another.

Usually, these are superstitions to ward off evil from their holy bond. However, many find it romantic and accept it wholeheartedly. Many modern weddings have an Irish theme and vow to enjoy the simplicity of romance.

Also, whether you’re Irish or not, Irish vows are quite simple, straightforward, and religious. If you’re up for short vows which spill all of your emotions together, borrow some ideas from these…

61. I, <name>, take you, <name>, as my wife/husband, for better, for worse, for abundance, for scarcity, in good and poor health, till all the days of our life. Thank you, Lord, for uniting and blessing us on this auspicious day. As you gifted us to one another, we offer ourselves to you.

62. In Lord’s name, I, <name>, receive thee, <name>, as my wedded wife/husband from this moment, until all of eternity, I promise to stay faithful and honest, respect, care, support, and help you, and share everything that’s mine forever. With the Lord’s blessing, we’ll stay united in love and peace.

63. Before the Lord and everyone present, I, <name>, promise you, <name>, to love faithfully, provide, and nourish you, to the best of my abilities, with Lord’s blessings on us. I promise to hold your hand and heart, with this oath I mark our spirits as one.

64. With the Lord, our loved ones, and the universe as witnesses, I, <name>, swear to love you, <name>, until the universe exists, until we exist, for good and bad times. I declare my intent to stay faithful to you, God’s child from today onwards, with all I will ever have.

Buddhist Wedding Vows

Wedding ceremonies in Buddhism are much simpler and more conservative than in other religions. But the vows are fancier than any other religion. So, couples from other religions also take inspo from their vows.

The vows bring forth a touch of novelty in the vows instead of sticking to the same old traditions. Their words are sacred and express the couple’s pure intentions and vulnerability towards one another.

The promises are more genuine than regular forever and ever afters and focus more on the present. If you want a pragmatic vibe to your wedding, consider these…

65. I, <name>, receive you, <name>, as my wife/husband, my only true love, my equal partner in this lifetime. From today until my lifeline ceases, I will cherish everything in our bond with love and tenderness. I’ll share my joy and sorrows, trust and honor you, through all the challenges of life.

66. I, <name>, grant you, <name>, my hand and life to hold, protect, and nourish as we become husband and wife from this day on. I swear to stick with you through thick and thin, for best, for worst, through tears and laughter, and never let go.

67. With full knowledge of the responsibilities of marriage, I, <name>, knit my life with you, <name>, in this sacred bond. With the blessings of every living being present, I promise to practice a marital life with only this person till forever and after with love, kindness, and honesty.

68. I, <name>, promise you, <name>, the bond of marriage from today until forever, before all forms of life, I will love you and protect our marriage, with everything wise and abstain everything unwise, that may fog my understanding of good and bad. I promise to stay beside you forever with this oath.

Secular Wedding Vows

If your tradition highlights the couple’s beliefs, nature, and personality more than any religion or spiritual aspect, then this is your perfect fit. Express your real hopes and dreams from your marriage using secular wedding vows.

This might sound non-traditional because of the absence of religious and spiritual mention. But it’s possible to tug it into the traditional flow with little amendments.

For instance, don’t mention anything that clashes with your traditions or religions, stick to reality but don’t utter extreme negatives. Follow through with some examples here…

69. I, <name>, take pride in joining with you, <name>, in the sacred bond of marriage. I promise to respect, honor, love, and accompany you through the ups and downs of life. Life may bring us tough times, but I will hold on to you, to make a beautiful world together.

70. Today, I, <name>, vow to accept the love of my life, <name>, as my wedded husband/wife till we both exist in this world. I promise to love you unconditionally, cherish our friendship beyond the horizon, and build a warm home for our family to grow.

71. I, <name>, choose you, <name>, as my one and only love in this entire world, my wedded wife/husband, and my closest aid. I promise to love, laugh, cry, and grow together with you and our community, to build a world full of love for ourselves and our offsprings.

72. Before our loved ones, I, <name>, vow to accept you with all of your perfections and flaws, love you, and be patient through tough times, will be understanding when times demand. Moreover, I will always accept you with open arms even if we fight, from now till forever.

Quaker Wedding Vows      

Romanticism reaches the peak in Quaker wedding vows where the bride and groom hold one another’s hands when they recite the vows. It gives a surreal feeling of intimacy, and many couples incorporate this style in modern weddings to conserve the warmth of their union.

Both partners pledge in the name of God and loved ones. Also, these weddings allow the couple’s loved ones to speak about their special bond, how they wish their newlywed friend eternal happiness.

Apart from the vows, they also include Quaker readings.

73. In God’s and our friends’ presence, I, <name>, take thee, <name>, as my wife/husband-to-be from this moment, promising with divine assistance to become your only loving and faithful partner as long as we both live in this world.

74. I, <name>, promise thee, <name>, before God and thou dear friends, that my love for thee shall remain as fresh as the springtime morning, yet it’ll never wane like a season. I promise to hold, support, respect, and honor thee so long as I live.

75. My darling, <name>, you’re the comfort to my, <name>, soul. Your love is warm, strong, refreshing, and true. I feel blessed to witness your tender smile, feel your feather-like touch, your divine essence, and you. So today, I announce you as my wedded partner forever and ever.

76. I, <name>, pledge to you, <name>, my entire existence, as a husband/wife, my assistance and companionship through the toughest and dearest times to come. I will share your hopes and fears, this laughter and these tears, through every challenge God may send towards us.

Unitarian/Universalist Wedding Vows

Unitarians are quite open when it comes to religions. They believe that God is one, be it Jesus, Allah, Buddha, or any other God. They believe humans are the creations of that one God who has various forms and resides in everyone’s heart.

Some of them mention God’s name if both have equal beliefs… while others simply omit God’s name from the vows to skip any controversies.

So whether you have a religious or non-religious wedding, these are one-of-a-kind vows that accept everyone with an equally warm embrace.

77. I, <name>, accept you, <name>, as my forever soulmate bound in this marriage, I promise to love, respect, honor, and care for you with full faith that your and my God and one and the same. I vouch to stay true and honest to you before our One God.

78. I, <name>, promise you, <name>, to be my husband/wife from this moment, to cherish, have, and hold from today till every day we live, in richness and poorness, for better, for worse, and accepting all the differences in your and my culture and religion.

79. From this moment, I, <name>, announce you, <name>, as my wedded wife/husband, with full knowledge of our individual beliefs. I accept you and give you the complete freedom to practice your beliefs and shall support you, however, as an honest symbolism of my love for you.

80. Today the servants of one God, I,<name>, take you, <name>, as my wedded wife/husband to love, have, hold, cherish, respect, care, support you, with my promise to treat you as an equal in my life, finance, and household. No differences shall shake my love for you until we both live.

Interfaith Wedding Vows

This traditional wedding style mainly embraces all people who believe in a certain God. Unlike Unitarian, Interfaith doesn’t welcome atheists. This traditional culture is also open and kind to people with diverse beliefs and usually includes God’s mention in the vows.

If you and your partner practice different religions and wish to mention your God during the auspicious ceremony, definitely check these interfaith wedding vows.

You might get the fascinating motivation to sway your partner even if they differ in religious faith, like these…

81. With complete knowledge of our different faiths, beliefs, religions, and culture, today I, <name>, accept thee, <name>, to be my wife/husband, to love and cherish, when sick and healthy, though joy and sorrows, in abundance and inadequacy, I promise to build our lives with love and kindness until forever.

82. I, <name>, and <name>, though children of different Gods, vow to unite ourselves in the holy bond of marriage as husband and wife. I promise to share your dreams and fears even if they’re different, to multiply our differences in happiness, to only stay undeniably yours forever.

83. Despite differences in faith, I, <name>, and <name>, wish for all Gods’ and dear ones’ blessings on our big day, for our happy union. Please, support us as we learn to accept one another entirely, for we need every support to strengthen this bond of love and kindness until eternity.

84. I, <name>, and <name> are ready to begin the greatest adventure of our life as husband and wife from two different beliefs. We may face difficulties accepting one another completely, yet I promise to never give up on my love for you, for it is what inspires me to live.

Apache Wedding Vows

Apache weddings are similar to nondenominational weddings… they don’t mention God or any spiritual being. Rather, they believe in making the visible elements their witnesses.

These are yet another traditional and perfect way to express your romantic side. Whether you’re an atheist or from the LGBT+ community, it has the perfect vows to complete your promises.

Usually, couples pledge on the different elements of nature like air, water, earth, fire, and the heavenly bodies which makes the experience more heart-drenching and genuine… even without swearing on Gods.

85. From this moment, I, <name>, and <name> will not get drenched in rain or scorched in the heat, for we both will be one another’s shelter. We will neither freeze nor feel lonely, for we will provide one another warmth and promise our companionship. This is my solemn vow for my honest love.

86. I, <name>, confess to my North star, destiny, you, <name>, my eternal love. I promise to protect your body with mine, your life with mine. I will gladly accept any harm towards you. Though the road from here may bring troubles, I will always solve them for you.

87. Today I, <name>, begin my life with <name>, as married partners with our well-wishers’ blessings. I promise to share my abode with only you in this life and blossom with togetherness through bliss and sorrow. I hope our future remains good and long on this earth.

88. Let us begin our new life as a married couple on this earth and never stop until we both exist. I, <name>, promise you, <name>, the unconditional love, respect, loyalty, and honor you deserve in a married union through the best and worst times, until the Sun, Moon, and stars cease to exist.

Cherokee/Native American Wedding Vows

A native American wedding type – Cherokee – calls on God, Mother Nature, the four basic elements, and the seasons. They include everything nature puts forth in their life and swear their love on them.

They incorporate deep meanings in their vows and compare nature’s basic elements with rather important aspects of life. They also respect nature, which is rather intriguing, and pay tribute to their native origin.

Though they suffered miserably for their differences, their feelings are truly admirable. If your heart loves this style, consider the following ideas…

89. God, in heaven, I, <name>, and <name>, ask you to shield us from evil as we begin our new life as a married couple. I admire your creations as we bind our love and life together today. Mother Earth, please bless us so that my love grows stronger through the changing seasons, until we live.

90. God, Mother Earth, fire, wind, water, and all the sacred elements of this world, please bless the union of <name> and <name> as we begin our new adventure in this blessed world of abundance. Help us be warm, calm, clean, and never thirsty for more love elsewhere.

91. All great forces of the universe and creations, I, <name>, and <name> pray for the harmonious beginning in our newly married life, to glow and feel safe in one another’s arms, to soothe each other through disastrous times. Bless us so we stay faithful in love forever.

92. I, <name>, and <name>, join in this holy union of marriage with God, Mother Earth, all the elements of Earth, and our close ones as witnesses. I promise to be your best friend and soulmate. I will share my love in richness and poorness, and the best of everything I possess.

Wedding Vows for Her

Being a woman is hard, but not when it comes to showing love. Women are usually more expressive than men and have artistic sides. So, it must be easy for a woman to make vows, right?

Personally, I don’t support such beliefs. After all, how does gender connect with a vow? I completely understand your desire to impress your husband on this special day.

So, consider joining your hands and beginning your journey with promises every man yearns for.  Promise him something way more than the regular basic vows here…

93. I, <name>, promise to be your, <name>, shield, friend, and provider. I take responsibility to help you reach your dreams and desires because a wife is God’s blessing to have a fulfilled life. In this sacred marriage, I promise to fulfill you with all I have as I live for you.

94. From today onwards, I, <name>, vow to build a great life with you, <name>, as my husband, my only love till my last breath. I will only love and gaze into your pretty eyes,  while I build the best world for you and me until fate allows.

95. I, <name>, and <name> have met several people in our lives, several pulled our heartstrings, and with all honesty, I promise that nobody tickled, soothe, or appeals to my heart as much as you. To spell it out, I love you and wish to be your only wife in this and the next life.

96. Today I, <name>, promise you, <name>, my forever as your faithful wife before our loved ones, before everything that was, is, and will be important to us. Give me your hand, and I’ll hold on to it forever and lend you my shoulder when you need protection.

Wedding Vows for Him

As a man, expressing your emotions can be quite daunting… after all, people don’t expect you to speak about soft emotions. But, it’s your wedding day, one of the first most special days of a long journey.

So, how can you ignore your wife’s feelings because of people’s assumptions?  This is the time to prove to your wife how much you cherish them. If she always thought you’re emotionless, catch her off guard with some sweet nothings.

To shock her with an exciting well-tailored vow, peek through these examples…

97. Before our families and God, I, <name>, take you, <name>, as my only wife in this lifetime. I promise to love you more than anyone else, provide you with the best of my abilities, and stay devoted to you until my last breath. I’ll forsake anyone else as your only devoted husband.

98. I, <name>, love you, <name>, in the name of God and wish to be your husband, to serve God together, to serve you, our future children, through rain and shine, in poorness and richness. I promise with divine assistance, to support and respect you until my eyes don’t blink.

99. I, <name>, respect you, <name>, for teaching me how to love, laugh, be satisfied, and be thankful. Today, I announce you as my wife, to express my gratitude, love, and to selfishly have all that’s good or even the bad in you, to be only mine forever and more.

100. I, <name>, am everything today, because of you, <name>, so please grant me the opportunity to serve you forever as your loving husband, before our loved ones. Though man and woman are equal in holy marriage, you will be much more because you’re that amazing.

Funny Wedding Vows

Think your partner deserves the happiest moments on the wedding day? This one might be cut for you.

If you wish to begin your union and a new journey with your partner’s laughter, think through some funny wedding vows for him and her.

Of course, a wedding is a huge deal, so don’t worry if your partner sheds some tears with their dazzling pearls… because, with your humor, your partner will know just why you chose the hilarious contexts.

Also, choose the context wisely, don’t hurt them or trigger past pain with humor.

101. I promise to always give you the last slice of pizza, do the dishes you left behind, and trust you with all my finances, even when you can’t help shopping. I will always give you bear hugs so you don’t see any other handsome/beautiful people to love.

102. Today I vow to the love of my life, I’ll forsake my gaming nights when you feel down, I’ll ditch my friends’ outing to care for the children, and help the kids play with all your makeup. I’ll love you so hard that you’ll want out, but I’ll never let go.

103. I promise to get rid of the spiders, even though I fear it more than you, I’ll always have the burnt toast without any complaint. I’ll overlook the piling dishes on the sink because I promise to accept and love all of your flaws. Accept my pure love for you or have nobody else’s.

104. I love you even when you can’t click an Instagram-worthy picture when you give me spoilers of my favorite shows, even barf on me after a friend’s outing. I promise to stick with you through everything like we’re home-quarantined forever.

Modern Wedding Vows

Some couples avoid traditional wedding vows due to the absurd promises… and let’s be honest, not all vows are for everyone. Two people can love one another deeply even when they mismatch in other ways.

Believe in prioritizing the reality of your relationship? Want to make some vows that you know you can keep? Stick to the modern ones… if you’re not poetic, don’t include that. Don’t believe in the afterlife? That’s okay too!

It’s YOUR wedding, so sway your husband/wife-to-be in your style.

105. I, <name>, cannot promise you, <name>, eternal peace because life is always full of thorns. I won’t promise that no thorn will prick your feet. But, trust me that I love you enough to always try to clean your path and apply medicine to your wounds.

106. From this day on, you, <name>, will always have a shoulder to cry on, a hand to brush away your tears, and to feed you through sickness. I, <name>, am not a knight-in-shining-armor, so I’ll protect you with my body. That’s how much I love you now and forever.

107. My love, <name>, I, <name>, I’m neither a poet nor a singer, I can’t dedicate love rhymes to you. I’m no superman/wonder woman to save your day… but I promise you strength and a handkerchief during trying times as your poor beloved husband/wife.

108. I, <name>, smile, laugh, and dream once again because of you, <name>. I look forward to a life with you and today it’s about to come true. Though I fear I’ll change through the years and no longer be your perfect spouse, please don’t leave my hands because I don’t plan to either.

Simple Wedding Vows

If you don’t like flashy vows, stick to your point with your intentions. Be unique in your own way, there’s no reason to refer to nature or Gods.

Indulge in a short story-time about your relationship, or simply state how you will love and support them throughout your life.

Make sure that your bride/groom feels appreciated though. Don’t make it too plain or skip the promises… else might give off the wrong signals to your partner.

Feel unsure about simplistic wedding vows? Check these out…

109. On <month/date/year>, I, <name>, marry <name> before our dear beloveds and God. I promise to love, cherish, respect, and honor you. I will always be understanding and open to your thoughts. From this day till forever, I will hold your hands.

110. During battles, if your shield breaks, I’ll lend you mine – if you wear out, I’ll fight for you – if you can’t bear our family, I’ll give you a hand. Our marriage will have teamwork more than love because I can’t imagine you suffering alone.

111. From this day, I, <name>, and <name> begin our lifelong union, our most awaited journey together, our love story together. To everyone present, I wish you to bless us so we love one another through tough times, cherish, respect, and never let go of one another’s hand.

112. I, <name>, accept you, <name>, as my husband/wife, with complete faith that we’ll grow to be a wonderful couple. I grant you myself wholeheartedly, knowing you might hurt me, yet only you can heal my wounds with your undying love for me. At the same time, I promise to be a faithful and loving partner too.

Romantic Wedding Vows

Love is in the air and I also got a whiff of your wedding cake… joking! Hopefully, you’re madly in love with one another… if that’s true, how can we not instill some seriously romantic pointers?

Though, vows can be traditional yet funny, make space to add a hint of romance to them. Make it so that your spouse never forgets your sweet confession on the wedding day.

But romance isn’t all about comparing your lover’s features with nature… It can be any sweet gesture that melts your partner’s heart. So check this out to make your own…

113. The first time I, <name>, met you, <name>, wasn’t fancy, yet I still felt dumb staring at you for no reason. But today, let me confess that I felt for your glimmering dark eyes too hard for my own good. So, please be my husband/wife until forever and ever.

114. I am a hopeless romantic, I believe in forever and ever, and the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew it was you, my destiny, and my fate. Today, I, <name>, take pride in joining with my other half, <name>, in this holy union, and hope to show what a fairy-tale couple is.

115. I, <name>, love you, <name> so much that I hope death doesn’t part us. I hope to be your groom/bride in every life, in every universe, and create countless parallel stories that people marvel at… that poets get inspiration for creating romantic lyrics… because you’re everything that I’ll ever wish for.

116. I, <name>, promise thee, <name>, that every day I’ll love you more than the previous day. I will love you even if you grow sick of it, even if you change your mind, I will stay forever faithful to you because you fulfill the void inside me.

Personal Wedding Vows

Think your partner deserves more than simple scripted promises? Of course, you do. But this is a two-way decision, know if your partner supports personalized wedding vows. If not, don’t try it… else your vows will mismatch.

Next, it’s important to add real-life experiences that your partner is comfortable with. If you’re not sure, ask them if they don’t wish to remember any incident.

Make the best heartfelt vows yourself for one another. Tale some inspo from here…

117. On this special day, I, <name>, give myself to you, <name>, promise to be your best comrade in the future difficulties, and accept even your bad tempers. I look forward to the coming days to prove my unconditional love to you, my adorable partner.

118. I, <name>, pledge to you, <name>, that for worse times-to-come, I’ll pat you to sleep and help you find the positive in everything, just the way you helped me too. I will be your fuzzy warm blanket even in the coldest winters my husband/wife, my love.

119. I know how you loved so much and lost equally, I know how your heart breaks and tears apart every time your dreams shatter. But I promise to protect this dream, our marriage, because I will protect it till my last breath, and I know that you will too.

120. Whether it’s day or night, sunny or cloudy, I will stand beside you, even when the world turns its back towards you, because you, <name>, and I, <name>, become us on today… until even death gives up to part us. Because I know how much you need me.

Religious Wedding Vows

If both you and your partner are religious and follow the same religion, definitely go for the religious wedding vows. But there’s no pressure to follow the old scripts if you don’t like them.

Express your pure love and devotion to your partner, keep your God as a witness to your union, and take an oath in God’s name to cherish them forever.

Here are a few religious wedding vows examples… but you don’t have to follow the same. Incorporate your special religious twist in your vows the same way.

121. In the presence of Christ and our dearest friends, I, <name>, receive you, <name> to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife, with promises for eternal companionship, undying love, abundant support, and copious respect until we both, Christ’s children mark this land.

122. Before God and their fairies, I, <name>, vow to take you, <name>, as my spouse in this life and in the next, and may I be punished by the Almighty if I can’t stay true to, respect, and love you with all I possess.

123. I, <name>, accept you, <name>, as my only object of affection as a man/woman, accept you as my husband/wife, and hold your hands with purest intentions. According to God’s ordinance, I pledge my troth to you until death separates us.

124. In God’s name I, <name>, take you, <name>, as my beloved wife/husband for eternity, to hold for the worst and best times, to love and to cherish, until God parts us with death. If there’s an after-life, I pray to God to be yours again.

Non-religious Wedding Vows

If you want to keep the religious bits away from your eternal love oath, not at all a problem. There are many more things that you can vouch for. It might be a natural element or your close ones as witnesses.

The only goal is to avoid God’s name or anything alike. Atheists can use non-religious wedding vows too.

Spill your feelings to your partner only with true promises you want to and can fulfill in your life. Take a natural flow to bare your heart to your partner with some samples…

125. Dear <name>, my plenteousness is as vast as the ocean, the depth of my love is deeper than the ocean bed. The more I give you, the more I have remaining. My love for you multiplies when I love you. I promise to satisfy you with my endless love.

126. <Name>, I want to share my life with you as you quench my heart’s every possible yearning, for a friend, mentor, and even lover. I promise to love you, encourage your endeavors and accept your woes as my own, until the remaining days of our lives.

127. <Name>, I promise to laugh with you when you’re happy, to support and guide you during tough times, to help you with everything until the end of time. This vow marks my eternal and abundant love for you until we no longer step on this land.

128. <Name>, words can’t describe my love for you, so from today and every day, let me prove it with my actions. I promise to stay silly in love, to make you laugh even during roughest times. I promise you eternal companionship because that’s my heart’s sincere wish, not for marriage.

Short Wedding Vows

Don’t like lengthy promises? You can stick to fairly short sentences too. For your eternal promise to your partner, choose the exact terms to get your promise through his/her heart.

But that’s not the only way to use them. If you devote substantial space to your love story, there might not be enough time for the promises.

Short vows incredibly complement your story during these situations too. So note down the important ones…

129. I pledge to treasure you, dedicate my entire life, respect, honor, and stay loyal to you forever.

130. From this day onwards, I promise that we will be two bodies and one soul until the heavenly bodies cease to exist.

131. I didn’t believe in fairy tales until I met you. From this day, till the end of time, I promise to live in a fairy-tale with you.

132. I, <name>, promise you, <name>, I’ll never demand anything from this marriage as long as you stay true and love me with your soul and body forever.

Sweet Wedding Vows

Your partner loves sweet gestures? Or, are you looking for a way to stun your bride/groom on the big day? Whichever it is, some sweet nothings can melt your partner instantly.

Either lace the traditional vows with some sweet real-life feelings or add poetic hints and comparison for great effects. Remove your hesitation at being cheesy or corny with these…

133. I vow to be responsible about all the little things that tug at your heartstrings, to enliven this marriage, to never lose the fireworks deep inside our hearts. I will love you, no matter what age, or season of life.

134. I vow to make this marriage your personal laughing club. If you shed a single tear, it will be of happiness. Even if you lose all your teeth and feel shy to laugh, I will make you with all my will and might.

135. You worry I will leave once I get bored, but I could never. You’re that entertaining, interesting, and intriguing. Your every emotion is like a breath of fresh air and a new page of adventure fiction. I can’t wait to enjoy this read, my love.

136. In this world, I am the luckiest man/woman alive, to stand with you on this altar, to have you today and every day. You have no idea how precious you are to me. So, let me spend my life proving my love from today.

Gay Wedding Vows

We’re way beyond the past where only men and women got married. A wedding is no longer about sexual compatibility or vowing to produce a son. The best part is that gay weddings hold so much more meaning because it’s not just about the body… it’s intimate, emotional, and a bond between souls.

Can’t wait to surprise your man with something interesting? Here you go…

137. Dear <name>, from today on, I will take you as my husband/partner. I promise to be the perfect person for you in this entire universe, so you never regret choosing me as society says. Because I love you more than anything in the world.

138. I take thee, <name>, as my only partner in life. I believe, love has nothing to do with religion and gender, and we will flourish in our own way. I vow to love you and heal every wound this world inflicts on you forever.

139. I, <name>, promise to be a reliable partner to <name> to have a loving and warm family, to face the harsh seasons of life, to fight off any distraction and obstacle, and mostly to love and admire you wholeheartedly forever.

140. With careful judgment, I, <name>, have chosen you as my eternal partner in this life and hopefully in all possible lives thereafter. I promise to love you as much as a man loves a woman, or a woman loves a man, and cherish you until my last breath.

Lesbian Wedding Vows

A woman doesn’t always need a man’s support to prove herself worthy. She, she, and she can be so much more without a father’s surname, a husband’s earning, or a brother’s protection.

The modern woman who loves a woman is stronger than ever before… and they deserve the perfect vows too. Let’s face the oppression and scream All hail to girl power here…

141. Dear <name>, though we’re two women, society may look down on this bond, some may abandon us for choosing one another, knowing that I am ready to forsake the world which abandons you because you’re all that I love and desire.

142. A woman is a wonderful being who creates and nourishes life. I, being a woman, hold pride in loving another woman, <name>, with all of my devotion. This is my eternal vow to stay by the wonderful you.

143. If I burned with desire for you and kept quiet about my passionate love in fear of some God’s wrath – that will be the greatest punishment I may even call on myself.

144. I love you, <name>, and because our hearts fit perfectly, not our bodies. I desire you, but my love is way more than a thirst for a body. I lust for your energetic soul for it brings me energy to live through this chaotic world. So hold my hand and promise to never let go from today.

Wedding Ring Vows

Traditional or modern, ring exchange is a basic step in every wedding ceremony. But the only modern twist is the ring vows. Modern couples add vows of equal length during the ring ceremony.

Earlier it ended with only “With this ring, I thee wed”. Nowadays, couples add a poetic touch to make it romantic and sweet like these…

145. I, <name> give you, <name>, this ring, an heirloom from my ancestors, a symbol of my vow, heart, soul, and my ancestors’ blessings. I accept you as my only soul mate and promise to love you in this life today and every day.

146. Dear <name>, my love for you is like the circle of this ring, it’s endless and eternal, only for you. This is a token of my love, so always wear it and keep me in your heart. With this ring, I join our lives until death does us part.

147. My love, <name>, before God I give you this ring and accept you as my wedded husband/wife. This is the symbol of all my promises to love, respect, honor, cherish, and support you until my last breath.

148. I thee wed with this ring, before our loved ones and God, I grant thee all of my treasures, my heart, hands, soul, and life. It is a symbol of thou welcome in my life, and my promise to never let go of thou hands.

Wedding Vows for Second Marriage

Whether your last partner abandoned you or they passed away… a second marriage shows you believed in love and life. On the contrary, it implies that someone caught your heart during the worst times of your life.

Don’t let the ill-wishers shun your happiness… because this second take on life will definitely bring you the happiness you always deserved.

Make your second marriage even more special with these vows…

149. Dear <name>, I gave up on love after my last experience, thought that love can happen only once, and thought that nobody will ever care for me in this world. Thank you, for proving me wrong, I love you for this golden opportunity to love and be loved.

150. Thank you, Lord, for giving me another chance to build my life with endless love. Thank you <name>, for choosing me through a crowd of possible luckier people. Today I vow to love you forever and after, through every possible difficulty that life may bring.

151. Today, I vow to start my life afresh with <name>, my husband/wife-to-be. Though a second marriage, your love comes second to none. I don’t have enough words to show my gratitude to find and love me. I can only say, I love you the most.

152. Dear <name>, I take another chance in life to love, respect, support, honor, and be loved because you revived my feelings, my numb heart. I wish to stand beside you and always whisper I’ll never let go of your hand, I love you.

Courthouse Wedding Vows

Courthouse weddings are not just inexpensive, they are the one-in-all ceremony that validates your marriage legally.

Think a lavish wedding is much better? Nope! It’s the feelings that matter… and if you chose this one, you already admit it.

Prepare your witnesses and tailor some special vows for your special day. The best part is that they allow you to customize your vows as long as you stick to basic promises like these…

153. Dear <name>, I vow to accept you how you are, will never demand you to change, and even if you change, my feelings will change accordingly to love you perfectly now, until the end of time. I will cherish, honor, and respect you all days of my life.

154. The love of my life, <name>, I promise to stay by your side forever, unconditionally. I promise to do better in life, to get you better food, shelter, and clothes. Even though you don’t demand, I will never stop bringing the best for you.

155. <Name>, my love, I don’t have enough to hold a traditional wedding, I promise to get you the best honeymoon possible. I promise you, from the bottom of my heart, to always listen to you, and learn from you. I hope to love you more every day from today.

156. My precious <name>, on this day I promise to soak all your sadness, grant you all my smiles, for you have given me a lot more than I ever expected. My dear husband/wife this marriage is my chance to make you happy, to love you once more, until the end of time.

Wedding Vows with Child

Had kids before marriage? That’s wonderful, those lucky kids will enjoy their parents’ wedding the best. Also, your kids can be the flower-girl, the best man, or even walk mom down the aisle too.

This will be the best memory they’ll hold until the time they get married too. Show your kids the best time of their life and let them multiply their mommy and daddy’s love.

Also, mention them in your vows to help them understand your feelings like these…

157. I, <name>, promise you, <name>, the love of my life, to love, stay faithful, honor, and cherish you until time no longer exists. My children, <children’s-name>, I promise you that mommy/daddy will always stay by your side and be your greatest strength in this whole wide world.

158. <Partner’s-name> and <children’s-name>, you are the vision of my eye and the chimes to my ears, you give me enough warmth to forget all my woes. I vow to protect you with all I got until the end of time.

159. <Name>, thank you for loving me and being the perfect parent to my child. We both can’t wait to begin this new page of our life. Because, though life isn’t perfect, you showed me and our child the perfect perspective of every moment.

160. From today, I <name> receive <partner’s-name> as one half of my heart and <children’s-name> as the other half. As your parents, we promise to love you enormously, more than you ever imagined, and grow you into a fabulous person you will feel proud of.

Wedding Vows to Step Child

If your partner is a single mother, it’s a great idea to add both your partner and their children. Usually, children don’t easily accept such changes, so know their feelings.

Don’t assume they want to be involved, else they’ll resent you.  Take separate time to bond with them… so they don’t think you’re their parent’s partner, but their new parent.

Include some vows to include the child in the marriage and make them feel special.

161. I, <name>, promise you, <name>, that I will be the best partner you always wanted for yourself and for your child. Dear <child’s name>, I promise you all the happiness in the world, because you deserve it, for you are a piece of my soul, not my stepchild.

162. Dear <name>, I don’t know how to love you harder, but I’ll always try to love you more intensely every passing day.

My champ <stepchild’s name>, I hope we make great memories in the future. I promise to fulfill your hopes from a parent, even if I get punished by your mom/dad.

163. <Name>, you’re an amazing single parent, you educated your child the best way, but I hope to steal half the limelight from today onwards. <Stepchild’s name>, the other love of my life, you’ll be no less than my own blood and flesh. I promise to cherish and love you both forever.

164. Dear <partner’s-name> and <stepchild’s-name>, you both brightened up my dull world with acceptance, love, and warmth. I wish to give you both a few folds more of everything you gave me. Before God, I promise you both eternal assistance.

Unique Wedding Vows

Wanna add some uniqueness to your wedding vows? Don’t like the “for poorer for richer” lines? Totally get you… that’s why here are some rare ones. But hey, your definition of unique might not match with ours… so if it doesn’t suit your taste, give it a good laugh and move on.

But if you like them, definitely use them… you got all our blessings with you!

165. From this day until forever, I will be your ally and guide in every path of life. Perhaps I won’t be a great guide, but I will never let you walk alone ever. I will always remind you how much I love you, forever and more.

166. Before everyone present here, I promise to share all of my passwords, even if you misuse them. I will not order a single thing myself without asking you. I know how you love me and love to boss around the finances, so be it your way forever.

167. I pledge to never hurt you in this lifetime, as long as we’re married, as long as we live. I love you and your feelings mean a lot more than anything in this world. So, trust me with your fragile heart, for it’s my only treasure in this world.

168. When you’re with me I won’t mind the world fading away. You fulfill me in every way possible. I feel grateful that you are my fate. Though our paths crossed at an unexpected moment, we didn’t miss one another. I will hold on to your precious hand forever.

Disney Wedding Vows

Are you a Disney fan? Want to add some old-school animated romance to your wedding? Fabulous! Because Disney gifted us so many cutesy, cheesy, yet romantic lines, how can we not use them?

Whenever the wedding bells chime, it reminds me of many heart-touching lines. But remember, we can’t just use the dialogues to make a perfect wedding vow.

Include your own feelings along with it, like these…

169. I listened to many songs from many musicians, but none found its way to my heart, other than that “One song, my heart keeps singing, of one love only for you” (Snow White)

170. Since childhood, I loved magical things on-screen, but never found anything magical… until I saw you and believed that “Side by side with your loved one, you’ll find enchantment here” (Lady and the Tramp)

171. My love, do you remember I gave up on life and dreams back when you met me? I saw life through black and white lenses until I met you… and “Everything is different now that I see you” (Tangled)

172. After a loved one’s demise, I believed I’ll never be loved, for I wasn’t normal like everyone else. Until I saw you and found that “Love always finds a way, it’s true. And I love you” (The Princess and the Frog)

Spiritual Wedding Vows

Are you both avid nature-lovers? Or do you both love practicing spirituality? Many confuse spiritual and religious ceremonies. Religious ceremonies revolve around religion, whereas spiritual ceremonies emphasize love, your divinity, and your bond with God or any natural element.

If you and your partner have common spiritual beliefs, check these ideas…

173. This is the auspicious occasion where I, <name>, and <name> become one not only in body and soul but also in spirit. Today, we join our eternal essence into one life force and take the oath to never break apart, until mortality overpowers us. This is my solemn pledge to love you forever.

174. Today, we, <name> and <name>, unite our souls and promise each other many good things in our life from this union. I promise to protect your spiritual beliefs and interlink them with mine, to strengthen our bond forever and after. I promise to love you with this holy vow.

175. Today, I, <name>, make the earth, fire, air, and water my witness of love. I promise you, in front of the rising/setting sun, to love you, to build a warm life together, and to comfort and shelter you from all the troubles of life.

176. Before the rising/setting Sun, Our loved ones, and the elements of life force, I, <name>, promise my loyalty to you, <name>. I will love you with my entire heart, protect you with my entire strength, and respect you with my spirit. Accept my hand and I’ll love you with everything from today on.

Blended Family Wedding Vows

If both you and your partner have children from previous commitments and with one another, it’s a good choice to add them to your marriage. After all, all of them are equal parts of your hearts.

A blended family marriage shows that love is beyond blood… and I can’t help but feel happy for your kids. All of them will grow into fine human beings with your love and nourishment. So hold them all and make the best promise ever…

177. I, <name>, promise you, <name>, to be my husband/wife, to nurture my family with dedication, to develop my family in spirit, mind, and body, despite the differences I wish we live the happiest lives ever, where you never feel a dearth for love.

178. I, <name>, and <name> loved before, got disappointed, but never stopped hoping that more love awaits us and our children. On this day, I promise to treat your children equally as mine and allow you equal rights, for a family is way beyond what blood describes.

179. On this holy day, I and <name> blend our families into one with the best wishes from both of our children. I promise to protect all of their dreams, support and encourage them to strive for the best. I, being their father/mother, will treat them all equally with their best intentions in mind.

180. I, <name>, promise you, <name>, to play, feed, nourish, care, protect, and teach both of our children equally, because I love you, your children, and mine like a part of my soul. I promise to shower them with an undying love for your children while never neglecting mine.

Emotional/Crying Wedding Vows

Weddings are all about a couple’s feelings for one another. That said, every couple went through a hard phase in their life.

If you feel blessed to have your partner, cherish the fact they unconditionally love you… your wedding day is the perfect day to let it all out. Express it all out with a touch of real tear-jerking moments from your past journey…

181. People often say how love or relationships are hard. But you showed me how love is all about being happy even at the worst moment, with the best person. After this long journey, I can’t wait to be yours forever and more with everyone here and  God’s blessings.

182. We knew one another since childhood, we fought, gave relationship advice, and then fell hard for you. We lost a few years looking for the gem we had close to us, we grew, changed, but our bond was always a constant. I promise to make up first even if you’re wrong, I love you.

183. I’m not the best person on earth, I lose my temper a lot, yet you accept me with all of my flaws. I promise you, in this marriage, you’ll never go to sleep crying. I will change for the better, for the future that awaits us, all because I love you.

184. I never imagined dating my archenemy back when we met, thought you were annoying. But when you left my sight, I understood I was a stupid boy/girl denying my love for you. Here I am, helplessly in love with you, grant me the pleasure of calling you my wife/husband.

Renew Wedding Vows

Got married decades back? Want to make your spouse feel special? Plan an event for your next anniversary. You can keep it a surprise for your husband/wife, but if you’re planning big, it won’t work.

Also, they might want to prepare something special… so give them an equal chance to express their love. Ask your loved ones and children to set the venue and celebrate the best anniversary.

Here are some special wedding vow renewal ideas…

185. My dearest husband/wife for x years, on our anniversary I confess my love for you once again. I admire how you tolerated my annoying side so long. My solemn vow is to annoy only you for my remaining years and, if God grants, the next lives too.

186. Life so long was nothing like we imagined, together for z years we burned, froze, melted, and lived through all possible pains and joys of life together. I hope for many decades to come, we stay together with the same with God’s grace on us and our big family.

187. Knowing how you protected my pure heart for over x years, I can’t help but fall in love with you more every passing day. Thank you, <name>, for showering my life with so much abundance. Once again, I pledge my eternal love, alliance, and honesty until death parts us.

188. Throughout the past years, you gave me all the love a married man/woman can ever wish. Happy children, stable household, stable finances, good food, everything good ever. I wish for the rest of my life, we can be as happy as ever, until death takes me away from you.

Best-friend-for-life Wedding Vows

Getting married to your best friend? That’s the most fairy-tailish wedding ever! Knowing one person intimately for so long and falling for them hard, makes it beyond romantic.

Enough of me obsessing over your bond… I’m sure you and your partner are nervous about this big step. Marriage is nothing different than friendship, so it’s alright… calm your heart, hold on to their hand, and promise to never let go with them…

189. I, <name>, met you, <name>, as a friend, with only pure intentions. My intentions slowly tainted with possessiveness, that between lovers. I promise I’m still your BFF, but I won’t share you with another, ever. That’s how I love and desire to be loved until forever and after.

190. X years back, <name>, I proposed to you, yet with time I found more than a romantic partner in you. I didn’t believe friendship and romance could entwine like this. But you changed how I see this world. My love,  I promise to be your eternal partner-in-crime.

191. We <name> and <name> began our lives with friendship, but fate planned something else for us. I pledge that I’ve never been as thankful as ever to my fate. I hope in the coming lives, my fate will never cease to play such pranks on me.

192. I, <name>, promise <name> from today till the day I no longer live, you will always have a friend when you need one. Marriage won’t change our friendship or my love for you as a partner. I promise to make this journey fun and amazing.

Wedding Vow Quotes from Books and Songs

Some couples also take inspo from books and songs they adore. In fact, it’s a great way to make your spouse-to-be shed some tears if it’s the lyric from their favorite song.

Or, if you guys have special memories connected to some romantic quotes, throw that in to amaze them. It’s your day, give it your best to remember it every day from now on. So here are some ideas…

193. “Whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same.” – Emily Bronte

194. “Because of you, I can feel myself slowly but surely becoming the me I have always dreamed of being.” – Tyler Knott Gregson

195. “Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.

I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One.

I give ye my Spirit, ’til our Life shall be Done.” – Outlander wedding vows

196. “With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.

Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine.

With this candle, I will light your way in darkness.

With this ring, I ask you to be mine.” – Corpse Bride wedding vows

Wedding Vow Poems

Literature got your heart? If yes, you might wanna recite something special to express your feelings. But it’s better to know if your partner understands the poem… or the reaction might be bland.

So stick to a simple poem that expresses the abundance of your feelings like these…

197. Song of the Open Road

by Walt Whitman, from Leaves of Grass

. . . I give you my hand!

I give you my love more precious than money,

I give you myself, before preaching or law;

Will you give me yourself?

Will you come travel with me?

Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?

198. To Be One with Each Other

by George Eliot

What greater thing is there for two human souls

than to feel that they are joined together to strengthen

each other in all labor, to minister to each other in all sorrow,

to share with each other in all gladness,

to be one with each other in the

silent unspoken memories?

199. Our love…

by Honore de Balzac

Our love will bloom always fairer,

Fresher, more gracious,

Because it is a true love


Understand, I’ll slip quietly

away from the noisy crowd

when I see the pale stars rising, blooming, over the oaks.

I’ll pursue solitary pathways

through the pale twilit meadows,

with only this one dream:

You come too.

The ideas got your poetic side itching? Let’s learn…

How to write your own wedding vows

Think writing your own wedding vows is difficult? It’s not as intimidating as you imagine it to be. Furthermore, if you know your partner for a long time, it becomes easier.

Revisit the memory lane, take down these tips, and make special vows for one another…

1. Prepare earlier than you think

Begin writing your vows at least a month or two before. You’ll need lots of rehearsals to speak flawlessly and also to edit it perfectly.

Time flies too fast when it’s about weddings, so don’t delay the important part, your vows. Also, decide the theme with your partner.

Fix the amount of romance, humor, and tearjerkers in it.

2. List all emotions, strike off some

Pen down everything you want to say, that lingers as precious memories in your mind.

Notice how long it is? It might even be longer than one page… now it’s time to rank your memories. Strike off the least memorable ones… of course, it’s tough, but it’s too long right?

Stick to the top five memories only.  Briefly state what you learned from past memories and make five promises from them.

3. Make at least 3 drafts

For the first three weekends, give it a read and edit it. Tug the words and phrases to your likings. Make it more romantic and meaningful for you both.

Don’t do it more than thrice, else you might lose important matters. Your goal: Make your sentences short, crisp, easy-to-understand, and the overall speech no longer than 3 minutes.

4. Avoid absolute language

Traditional wedding vow structures include lots of always and never… but human beings are bound to break absolute promises.

It’s just not possible, life and emotions don’t work that way.

So, to keep it realistic, avoid such promises. Make genuine promises which you’ll stay true to forever.

5. Make it funny and emotional

If you feel they’re the apple of your eye, state it. Be open and loud about your limitless love for one another. Don’t bother if you or your partner cries… it’s all part of it.

However, to not end on a heavy note, add some funny promises… so your marriage begins with their smile. Also, don’t spill inside jokes or joke about your partner’s traumatic experiences.

6. Pick up some books

Of course, you need the inspiration to wrap it up perfectly. Consider diverse emotional and funny wedding vow examples.

For bibliophiles, pick up the most romantic books or poems you read. Find wedding vow books online or from a library. 

Also, scroll through songs or movies… it can even be from an animation.

Search ways to express your intricate emotions in simple language. But don’t let a borrowed line steal the show.

7. Read out loud

Turn on your phone recorder and rehearse clearly and loudly. Listen to the recordings to find where you sound off.

Look out for grammatical errors, lack of emotions, and even pronunciation issues.

Once you perfect it, rehearse in front of a mirror. Touch up your body language with a video recorder too.

8. Read to friends for perfection

Ask a trusted aid to listen, who won’t spill your vows to anybody. Get constructive criticism to enhance your piece, pronunciation, grammar, and body language.

Also, discuss your possible breaks for laughter and emotional moments. Time your pauses to allow the perfect time for everyone’s expressions.

9. Get a pretty copy

Some people memorize their vows and avoid carrying any parchment to the altar. But honestly, with all overflowing emotions, what if you do forget them? Can’t afford such embarrassment publicly!

Pick an aesthetic vow book or parchment that matches your wedding theme. Write your own vows on them or get them printed. Keep them alive for eternity as a wedding memoir.

Plain paper works too, but it’s your marriage, pick the best possible for yourself.

10. Keep it a secret

Don’t overshare your vows among friends or your spouse-to-be. This is a surprise for everyone, else you’ll not find the best reactions on your wedding day.

Hearing it for the first time will trigger the best emotions from your partner, friends, and family.

Still rusty about your vows? Let’s glance through…

Wedding Vow Template

Got down the main elements in the wedding vows? Can’t set them in order? That’s natural because you aren’t any pro… more reasons your spouse-to-be will feel special.

To cover up every possible missed corner in your vows, look through these small pointers…

1. Confess all over

Never miss the three magical words – I love you – on your big day. You’ll probably record it or have it forever on your mind, so this is an absolute necessity.

2. Promise your presence

Include the pledge of staying beside them through rain and shine. Life is full of ups and downs, so you better let them know your intentions that you’re here for a looong time, not just the good time.

3. Share intimate memories

If you have some rough, emotional, or funny memories, add them! Don’t feel shy or embarrassed, you’re the star of the day, so be as flamboyant and edgy you can ever be with the vows.

It marks your genuine feelings in the vows.

4. Make possible real promises

The forever’s and the togetherness through “sickness and health”, are always present in wedding vows. So, include something that you really intend to do.

Be it exterminating cockroaches, or fixing their car issues. It can be anything you’re good at and have always done so far.

5. Ask for blessings

A wedding is the beginning of a new journey. Unfortunately, you’ll find great difficulties down the road. Ask for your loved ones’ support, to guide you during the rough times.

Include them and God (depending on your beliefs) for your smooth journey ahead.

But before you begin writing, check these…

Questions to ask to create your own wedding vows

Both your and your partner’s wedding vows to mark your union… so, know that you’re on the same page about your public promises.

After all, it’s not a competition, find your answer to these together…

  • How many inside stories do you want to share?  Or do you want to keep the specifics to yourselves?
  • Will your vows be tear-jerkers or hilarious? Or will you blend both?
  • How long do you want the vows?
  • Do you want to infuse some traditional, religious, or cultural elements?
  • Will you specifically avoid anything in your or your partner’s vows?

A real wedding is far more hectic than simply the vows. Let’s find more answers from…

FAQs about Wedding Vows

In between the hectic wedding planning, sometimes people forget basic things about the vows. 

Further, the stars of the show feel nervous and mess up because they aren’t aware of small deets. So, let’s save ourselves some embarrassment here…

1. How long should wedding vows be?

Traditional vows are usually 100-150 words long, which take about 2-3 minutes with the breaks for emotions and applause.

If it’s a personalized vow, it might be shorter or longer depending on your choice. But it mustn’t be more than 3-4 minutes long.

2. Who says wedding vows first – bride or groom?

Traditionally, grooms say the wedding vows and then the bride follows. But modern weddings don’t strictly follow such rules.

In your wedding, the bride may lead the vows or you both can say it in unison.
Discuss your choice with your marriage officiant so things work smoothly on the wedding day.

3. What are traditional wedding vows?

The traditional wedding vows have deep roots back to your great ancestor’s generations. They emphasize love, commitment, and loyalty soaked in your culture and beliefs.

4. How to write traditional wedding vows?

Writing your own wedding vows with the traditional hint expresses – your immense love for one another and your traditions.

– Follow these tips to begin smoothly and learn how to end your wedding vows too
– Mutually decide to write your own vows with your spouse-to-be
– Get your marriage officiant’s permission
– Begin the vow with what’s lovable about them and what they mean to you
– Put in funny, sweet, and cherished yet appropriate memories to stir emotions
– Specify your promises clearly
– Instill a romantic touch to mark your love and devotion
– Include something you look forward to in the future
– Express your eagerness to turn your promises true
– Promise to love them forever
– Promise to stay faithful in this lifetime.

5. Do you have to say vows at a wedding?

All wedding ceremonies are unique so it depends. If your religion, culture, or family traditions include saying vows, there’s possibly no way out.

However, talk to your partner, both families, and the marriage officiant for other solutions.

For instance, you may suggest sticking to “I do” after the marriage officiant states the vows.

A word from ThePleasantRelationship

Whether it’s religious or non-religious, traditional or modern… if you and your partner truly love one another, your wedding will always hold dear meanings.

If you have faith and patience to understand one another, to fight through the test of time, and love one another unconditionally… any type of vows can be your lucky charm.

Though all wedding vows have their specific classic touch, it’s alright if you don’t follow your traditions or religion. What matters the most is your loyalty.

So, go ahead and weave the perfect vow to describe your emotions and begin your new blessed journey.