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27 Types Of Couple Sleeping Positions And Their Hidden Meanings

27 Types Of Couple Sleeping Positions And Their Hidden Meanings

Updated on Aug 30, 2023

27 Types Of Couple Sleeping Positions And Their Hidden Meanings

There are different types of couple sleeping positions, and they don’t just mean what makes you comfortable. 

In fact, each tells a lot about how their relationships work. It shows feelings and connections that aren’t expressed by words. 

And if you’re wondering what your sleeping position with your partner means, you’ll get all the answers. 

So, don’t overthink and get right into details!

All Types Of Couple Sleeping Positions

No matter how you align your bodies when going to bed, your and your partner’s body often assumes the same position. Ever wondered why?

Well, each position you sleep in tells something different about the unsaid things in your relationship. 

If that got you hooked, keep reading to find it all out…

1. The Spooning Position 

The spooning position is one of the most popular sleeping positions among couples. In this setup, both partners lie close together and face the same way. 

The person who is facing away from the center is called the “big spoon,” and the person who is facing toward the center is called the “little spoon.” 

This position gives off feelings of comfort, safety, and closeness, which shows a strong emotional link.

2. The Relaxed Spoon 

The relaxed spoon is an alternative spooning position. Here, partners maintain the same direction but maintain a minor separation. 

This position establishes a balance between proximity and personal space. It shows partners value both closeness and personal space.

3. The Chasing Spoon

In the chasing spoon position, both people lie at an angle in the middle of the bed, like in the spooning position. From this position, it looks like one person is “chasing” the other. 

This may mean that the person wants more space in the relationship or just likes to sleep in weird positions.

4. The Mirror (face-to-face, touching) 

Couples who sleep with little room between them and face each other show the mirror position. 

This setup shows trust, happiness, and reliance. Usually seen at the beginning of a relationship, it shows a desire to stay connected and talk to the other person all the time.

5. Face-to-face Without Touching

When couples sleep facing each other but don’t touch are in the face-to-face but not touching position. 

This arrangement shows emotional closeness, open conversation, and a sense of safety in the relationship. It’s like a quiet conversation that goes on while people sleep.

6. The Butt-to-Butt Position 

The butt-to-butt stance is when two people sleep side by side with some physical touch, especially in the lower back or buttocks area. 

This position shows that the relationship has grown past its early stages. Partners feel safe and relaxed enough that they can sleep with their backs to each other and still feel connected.

7. The Back-to-Back Without Touching 

The back-to-back position without touching is similar to the preceding one. It allows greater room for the partners to spread out. This shows the development and ease that come with familiarity within the partnership.

8. The Sweetheart Cradle Position

In the sweetheart cradle position, one person lies on their back while the other puts their head on the chest of the other person. 

This protective stance shows a strong sense of safety and comfort. It is often seen after a time of mental closeness or bonding.

9. The Cliffhanger Position

In the cliffhanger position, lovers sleep on opposite ends of the bed with a lot of room between them. 

This is a sign of a recent fight or a lack of mental connection. How far apart two people sleep can tell you a lot about how they feel about each other.

10. The Paper Dolls Position

When a couple lays on their backs and touches fingers or hands, it looks like a paper doll and is called so. 

This arrangement shows partners depend on each other and feel comfortable with each other while still respecting their limits.

11. Tetherball Position 

In the tetherball position, each partner sleeps in their own way – but they still touch each other. For example, one partner’s hand might rest on the other’s hip or back. 

This position is a sign of a mature relationship. In this, both people value their room and are close to each other.

12. The Leg Hug Position

In the leg hug position, each person sleeps on their own, but their legs occasionally touch.

In this relationship, both partners feel safe and calm when they are with each other.

13. Heart-on-the-Sleeve Position

In the heart-on-the-sleeve position, one person lies on their back. The other rests their head on their partner’s shoulder. 

This close position shows that you care about each other and are ready to be vulnerable with each other.

14. The Tummy Nap Position

The tummy nap position is used by couples who sleep on their stomachs. 

Even though it might make you feel safe, it can also be a sign of worry or discomfort in the relationship. It’s important to talk about any worries or fears in the relationship.

15. The Entwinement Position 

The entwinement position, also called “Tangled,” is when two people sleep close together. 

It’s common in new relationships where people want to get closer and feel more connected. As the connection grows, partners may start sleeping in different positions on their own.

16. The Unravel Position 

In the unraveling state, partners start the night tangled up. But as the night goes on, they move into their favorite sleeping positions. 

It shows that the relationship is strong and stable, and there’s a balance between closeness and personal space.

17. The Starfish Position 

When one partner spreads out like a starfish, and the other takes up less room, this is called the “starfish position.” 

It shows comfort and relaxation. But it’s important to think about how it will affect the curled-up partner. They might feel confined because of the small area.

18. The Stiff-Straight Position

In the stiff-straight position, partners sleep flat on their backs with their arms firmly at their sides. This position is also called the soldier. 

This position can show independence and a personal choice of how to sleep. It can mean confusion after intimacy in new relationships.

19. The Fetus Position

The fetal position, in which people curl up with their knees up, is often thought to be comfortable and good for sleeping. 

But it can also mean that they feel unsafe or uncomfortable in the relationship. Even though it might make you feel safe, this pose can hurt your back and joints.

20. The Arms Around Position

In the arm-around position, both people sleep on their backs close to each other, with one person’s arm around the other. 

This means that the relationship is safe and comfortable and that both people understand each other’s wants.

21. The Together Position

In the together position, lovers sleep close together and keep touching each other all night. 

This shows that they are close and happy with each other. But it’s important to make sure that this closeness doesn’t turn into dependence.

22. The Overhead Position

In the overhead position, both people lie on their stomachs, with one person’s head gently sitting on top of the other’s. 

This shows that they feel safe and protected by each other.

23. The Over-Body Position

One person lies flat on their back, and the other rests most of their upper body on the person who is lying on their back. 

This position is a sign of closeness, comfort, and bonding at night.

24. The Underarm Position

In the underarm position, one person sleeps a little bit higher than the other. The other lies under the arm of the higher-placed person. 

This arrangement lets couples sleep close to each other while still having their own space.

25. The Arm Position

Both people sleep on their backs, with one person’s arm around the head, shoulder, waist, or arm of the other person. This pose shows that the person is very comfortable and at ease.

26. The Movers Position 

The category for couples who frequently switch positions while sleeping is “movers.” 

This can be due to a high level of comfort that allows partners to change positions without disturbing one another’s slumber.

27. The Pet Barrier Position

In this, couples put their pet in between them or hug their pets instead of each other. 

It helps couples not smother each other, stay on their respective side of the bed, and have enough space to themselves. It’s a great way to bond with your pets.

This may also imply that you’re ignoring deeper issues in your relationship.

A word from ThePleasantRelationship

Keep in mind that these sleeping positions are subject to change as the relationship develops. Of course, they share a lot about your connection, feelings, and level of comfort with one another. 

But sometimes, based on other factors – temperature, health, etc., your body simply chooses the most comfortable position. 

In case your sleeping position makes you concerned about your relationship, communicate openly. However, if there’s no issue, don’t forcibly try to change your sleeping positions. Prioritize comfort to build the happiest bond!