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How to Keep Love Alive for Years to Come? – 23 Surefire Ways 

How to Keep Love Alive for Years to Come? – 23 Surefire Ways 

Updated on Aug 29, 2023

Reviewed by Katina Tarver, MA (Mental Health and Wellness Counseling) , Life & Relationship Coach

How to Keep Love Alive for Years to Come – 23 Surefire Ways 

The fact that you’re asking how to keep love alive says that all’s not well in your happily ever after.

There can be several ways to do that but start by taking interest in each other’s life. It will give you more time and topics to strike conversations and get to know each other better. 

Try to be present in the relationship as it can make your partner feel that you are interested and want them. Remember what they like or the hobbies they wish to pursue.

How To Keep Love Alive in a Relationship? 23 Surefire Ways

If you have children, spend some time with them, yet remember your alone time. You need to be a couple first to raise a loving family. 

Treat each other fairly, as this will promote a feeling of empathy, while being selfish or ungrateful to each other will bring negativity. Additionally, discuss your differences instead of talking about them to other people – it will bring faith back in the relationship.

Other than that, here are a few more ways to keep your love alive.

1. Share your responsibilities

To keep love alive, you must distribute responsibilities equally between partners. Else it can overburden the one who is running the show. 

Divide the responsibilities in a manner that none of you get tired and also get the time to spend with each other.

2. Respect each other

The more you build on respect, love follows. 

In relationships, it is extremely easy to start disrespecting each other, and this is where the love gets lost. 

Even during fights, respecting each other is extremely important. Not only for each other, but you should also maintain respect for the partner’s friends and family.

3. Be flexible

Changing with the times is extremely important. It keeps the relationship alive and ensures that one can cater to the changing needs of the relationship. 

In such cases, you must be flexible and try to keep up with your partner’s evolving needs.

4. Embrace resilience

In any relationship, it is common to have misunderstandings and small disputes. However, you must not let these minor conflicts get bigger than your relationship.

Talk it out and be resilient that you want to solve it without letting it risk your relationship. It will strengthen your relationship more than before and keep the love alive as you move forward.

5. Remember, you are a team

Keep reminding yourself that you and your partner are on the same team and not playing against each other. Encourage and empathize with one another.

As they say, together you can achieve more; than as individuals.

6. Spend time with each other

Most partners lose love because they do not give each other enough time. It is a very common complaint, specifically for long-term relationships. 

Make time for each other when it is just you both and no one else. It may be just 10 minutes after an entire day of hard work. Talk about your day, and don’t forget to mention how much you love them while you’re at it.

7. Give them priority 

If you’re saying, “You’re my priority,” but not acting like they are, it’s going to impact your relationship negatively.

So, if you tell your partner that they’re the most important person in your life, you also need to show it.

In life, you will always be burdened with thousands of troubles, but amidst all that, you still have to assure your partner feels loved and valued.

8. Surprise your partner

Instead of doing the same things every day, you must sometimes surprise your partner as well. It could be by taking them to dinner or cooking a meal at home. This rekindles the spark and keeps the love alive. 

Remember, a surprise does not necessarily have to be expensive; the gesture matters the most in this case.

9. Show your love actively

If you deeply love your partner, remember to showcase it out and about. Sometimes say affirmations of love, while other times, don’t shy away from doing some PDA – it will reassure your partner and keep the love alive.

10. Do new things together

A relationship does not have to be boring at all. You can do many things together that will not only allow you to spend time with each other but also strengthen your bond.

Try playing board games together or watching a series together, or maybe make it a custom to walk around the park every evening.

11. Practice gratitude

Be thankful to have this person in your life who loves you without any conditions. Gratitude not only brings joy to your partner but also keeps the love alive for long.

12. Be an active listener

When you become an active listener, you will get a clearer idea about what bothers them or their feelings. It is extremely important to foster the love between you two. 

When you know what your partner is going through, you can work on it more vividly and also reassure them of your support.

13. Romantic getaways are important

Sometimes life in the city under the same roof becomes extremely boring. In such cases, it is crucial to break free from the daily routine and do something new. 

Plan a romantic getaway where it is only you and your partner. This will allow you to spend some quality time together and feel the warmth in each other’s arms.

14. Be responsive

A happy couple is one where both partners are responsive and make an active effort in each other’s life. It is one of the most important things to rekindle the love in your relationship.

15. You must communicate clearly

Honest & clear communication solves a lot of problems and eliminates ambiguity completely. This ultimately makes way for love, warmth, and a lot more love.

16. Opt for professional therapy

Sometimes, you start losing perspective in a relationship because you’re viewing it from up-close. In such cases, the best thing to do is take up professional therapy and seek a third-eye view. 

Visit relationship counselors who can help you to rekindle the love and keep it alive. They are trained and hence can help you in finding each other again.

17. Don’t criticize your partner

Criticizing your partner always will make them lose interest in you and make the relationship much more negative. They will always think that no matter what they do, you will judge them.  

Avoid making criticism a common practice in your relationship, as it harms not only the love that you both share but also the person.

18. Get a massage together

A massage session together is a great way to forget all the stress and feel loved again. 

You don’t have to always hire a professional for that. Instead, ask your partner to be your personal masseuse, and you offer the same services. 😉

This will build on the chemistry and keep your love alive longer.

19. Try silly things

To bring back the life in the relationship, try being silly with each other. It will remind you of the fact that your partner is still the same person you first fell in love with.  

Dance with each other in private, or order the whole menu from your favorite restaurant. It may sound crazy but it’s equally fun!

20. Write love notes

A great way to keep the love alive is by hiding love notes for each other. You can do this by attaching love notes on the fridge before leaving for the office or slipping them with their lunch box. 

When they find the note, they will be all smiles, and it will make them think of you.

21. Be vulnerable to each other

As partners, you need to be vulnerable to each other. Talk about what bothers you and why you become upset about some things. 

This reassures you that your partner will not be judging you. It helps them to build trust and faith, which is important to keep your love alive.

22. Focus on your partner’s health

Committing to each other’s health is a great way to be in love with each other. Remember your partner’s medicines schedule (if there’s any) or the doctor’s appointment they must appear for. 

It will tell your partner that you really care for them and this will eventually pave way for love.

23. Maintain individual boundaries

Love does not mean you always have to be on top of each other all the time. Specifically, in long-term relationships and marriages, you have many roles to play individually as well. 

So, respect each other’s boundaries and take some time off. Maintaining your identity as an individual is also extremely important to keep the love alive.

A word from ThePleasantRelationship

To keep the love alive for long, ensure that you prioritize respect and do not become authoritative. 

And finally, remember, without having a completely honest self-reflection, it is extremely difficult to love your partner. The dynamics of each relationship are different; hence, what might work for you is unique.