How To Stop Missing Your Ex?

Understand that your ex was not the only 'special' one in your life.

Consider what went wrong in your relationship.

Work towards making yourself emotionally independent.

Truly feel the pain before moving ahead.

Try to stay busy by doing things that make you happy.

Making your ex jealous may provide you some relief.

Stop comparing your ex to everyone else

Make a plan to pursue successful and meaningful goals.

Work on being the best version of yourself.

Check out if you really miss your ex or is it some non-existent hope you have?

Follow the no-contact rule for at least 30 days.

Go for a quick vacation

Don't talk about your ex with everyone you meet.

Make a list of everything that's bad about them.

Hide the things that remind you of them.

Direct your attention to yourself.

Meet new people.

Actively pursue new things.