Each person's boundaries are respected.

Taking you for granted and ignoring your needs.

Relationship Honoring

Relationship Betrayals

You work as a team, and there's a balance of power.

Not standing up for you in front of friends/ family.

Relationship Honoring

Relationship Betrayals

You can disagree with each other respectfully.

Sharing your secrets with others without approval.

Relationship Honoring

Relationship Betrayals

You uplift and let each other grow.

Using your vulnerabilities against you.

Relationship Honoring

Relationship Betrayals

There's safe space to be vulnerable and authentic.

Consistently failing to follow through on promises.

Relationship Honoring

Relationship Betrayals

Difficult talk are not avoided.

Being lied to/spoken down to/ disrespected.

Relationship Honoring

Relationship Betrayals

Keeping financial information hidden.

Actions match words, and promises are honored.

Relationship Honoring

Relationship Betrayals